Everything you need to know about a royal coronation

The coronation of King Charles III is fast approaching and, little by little, the plans are unfolding. As well as Camilla's coronation alongside the King, we also know that Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will have starring roles in the coronation procession, not to mention that the UK has been given an additional public holiday on weekend of May 6, too. A coronation concert is scheduled for the next day, and supermarkets have already started rolling out limited-edition coronation-themed dishes. But what do you really know what a coronation actually means?

The upcoming coronation will be the first in living memory for many viewers, as the last such ceremony was held in 1953 for the coronation of the late Queen Elizabeth II. While we know that it marks a change in the monarchy, what is the ceremony for? Isn't Charles already king? And who pays for the grand ceremony? Read ahead while we answer all your coronation questions.

What is a royal coronation?

Officially, a coronation is a symbolic and religious ceremony that sees the sovereign (that's the king, FYI) being crowned by the physical act of the crown being placed on the monarch's head.

Although King Charles III has already been Head of State since

Everything you need to know about a royal coronation

The coronation of King Charles III is fast approaching and, little by little, the plans are unfolding. As well as Camilla's coronation alongside the King, we also know that Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will have starring roles in the coronation procession, not to mention that the UK has been given an additional public holiday on weekend of May 6, too. A coronation concert is scheduled for the next day, and supermarkets have already started rolling out limited-edition coronation-themed dishes. But what do you really know what a coronation actually means?

The upcoming coronation will be the first in living memory for many viewers, as the last such ceremony was held in 1953 for the coronation of the late Queen Elizabeth II. While we know that it marks a change in the monarchy, what is the ceremony for? Isn't Charles already king? And who pays for the grand ceremony? Read ahead while we answer all your coronation questions.

What is a royal coronation?

Officially, a coronation is a symbolic and religious ceremony that sees the sovereign (that's the king, FYI) being crowned by the physical act of the crown being placed on the monarch's head.

Although King Charles III has already been Head of State since

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