Fortune teller who predicts the future using asparagus predicts Boris Johnson's successor

Jemima Packington, 66, who previously predicted Brexit, Boris Johnson's rise to prime minister and Harry and Meghan leaving the royal family, thinks that Ben Wallace will be next in Downing Street

Jemima Packington has had her say on who she expects from the next Prime Minister Jemima Packington has had her say on who she expects the next prime minister to be (

Image: SWNS)

A fortune teller nicknamed 'Mystic Veg' while predicting the future using asparagus thinks Ben Wallace will be the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Jemima Packington, 66, previously predicted Brexit, with Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister four years before taking office, the death of Prince Philip and Harry and Meghan stepping back from the Royal Family.

She makes her predictions by throwing spears in the air and interpreting how they land on the ground.

Now Jemima says the spears are pointing to Defense Secretary Ben Wallace to take over as leader once Mr Johnson steps down.

She also thinks 100/1 underdog Nadine Dorries could also be in the running to take over as PM - and is a more likely candidate than Rishi Sunak or Penny Mordaunt.

Jemima, from Bath, says that despite the political unrest in the country, the asparagus has reassured her that Britain will be back on its feet in the months to come.

And if a general election is called, she believes it will be a direct shootout between the Tories and Labour, with minority parties set to lose seats rather than gain them.

Fortune teller predicts Ben Wallace to be next incumbent at number 10
The fortune teller predicts that Ben Wallace will be the next...

Fortune teller who predicts the future using asparagus predicts Boris Johnson's successor

Jemima Packington, 66, who previously predicted Brexit, Boris Johnson's rise to prime minister and Harry and Meghan leaving the royal family, thinks that Ben Wallace will be next in Downing Street

Jemima Packington has had her say on who she expects from the next Prime Minister Jemima Packington has had her say on who she expects the next prime minister to be (

Image: SWNS)

A fortune teller nicknamed 'Mystic Veg' while predicting the future using asparagus thinks Ben Wallace will be the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Jemima Packington, 66, previously predicted Brexit, with Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister four years before taking office, the death of Prince Philip and Harry and Meghan stepping back from the Royal Family.

She makes her predictions by throwing spears in the air and interpreting how they land on the ground.

Now Jemima says the spears are pointing to Defense Secretary Ben Wallace to take over as leader once Mr Johnson steps down.

She also thinks 100/1 underdog Nadine Dorries could also be in the running to take over as PM - and is a more likely candidate than Rishi Sunak or Penny Mordaunt.

Jemima, from Bath, says that despite the political unrest in the country, the asparagus has reassured her that Britain will be back on its feet in the months to come.

And if a general election is called, she believes it will be a direct shootout between the Tories and Labour, with minority parties set to lose seats rather than gain them.

Fortune teller predicts Ben Wallace to be next incumbent at number 10
The fortune teller predicts that Ben Wallace will be the next...

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