Fury over Tory failure to tackle 'Chinese police stations' amid report on party ties

MPs were told today that Chinese dissidents are being dragged to alleged overseas 'police stations' in the UK, where the family members are at risk. It has been alleged that a businessman linked to one in Croydon once raised money for the Tories

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said there were 'serious concerns' Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said there were "serious concerns" (

Image: Getty Images)

Tory ministers have been accused of failing to act at secret Chinese police stations in the UK, where dissidents are told their families are at risk.

A bombastic Times article claims a businessman linked to a 'police station' in Croydon raised funds for the Tories and attended events with two former prime ministers.

Labour Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper demanded to know if the government was keeping silent for fear of ‘political embarrassment’.

And former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith asked why UK authorities didn't act faster after arrests for similar operations in the US and the Netherlands.

He said opponents of the Chinese government see videos of their relatives and are threatened if they do not return to China.

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith hit out at lack of action
Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith has denounced the lack of action (


AFP via Getty Images)

Today, The Times reports that a businessman, who was not named to the Commons, had previously attended Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conferences in China.

He was reportedly vice-chairman of a Chinese group that raised funds for the Tories and rubbed shoulders with Theresa May and Boris Johnson.

Ms Cooper told MPs: 'Other countries have taken visible action. This week, two men were arrested by the FBI in New York for suspicious transactions.

"In the Netherlands similar operations have been stopped. But here in the UK we have heard nothing, no arrest reports, no assurances that these operations have been stopped.

"Instead, we are told that one of the key people was...

Fury over Tory failure to tackle 'Chinese police stations' amid report on party ties

MPs were told today that Chinese dissidents are being dragged to alleged overseas 'police stations' in the UK, where the family members are at risk. It has been alleged that a businessman linked to one in Croydon once raised money for the Tories

Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said there were 'serious concerns' Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said there were "serious concerns" (

Image: Getty Images)

Tory ministers have been accused of failing to act at secret Chinese police stations in the UK, where dissidents are told their families are at risk.

A bombastic Times article claims a businessman linked to a 'police station' in Croydon raised funds for the Tories and attended events with two former prime ministers.

Labour Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper demanded to know if the government was keeping silent for fear of ‘political embarrassment’.

And former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith asked why UK authorities didn't act faster after arrests for similar operations in the US and the Netherlands.

He said opponents of the Chinese government see videos of their relatives and are threatened if they do not return to China.

Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith hit out at lack of action
Former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith has denounced the lack of action (


AFP via Getty Images)

Today, The Times reports that a businessman, who was not named to the Commons, had previously attended Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conferences in China.

He was reportedly vice-chairman of a Chinese group that raised funds for the Tories and rubbed shoulders with Theresa May and Boris Johnson.

Ms Cooper told MPs: 'Other countries have taken visible action. This week, two men were arrested by the FBI in New York for suspicious transactions.

"In the Netherlands similar operations have been stopped. But here in the UK we have heard nothing, no arrest reports, no assurances that these operations have been stopped.

"Instead, we are told that one of the key people was...

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