How to Quit a Narcissist: Six Powerful Tips

leave a narcissist Leaving a narcissist takes courage and emotional support. As you probably know, since you're reading this right now, narcissists are charming, manipulative, and adept at keeping you in a tangled relationship. And that relationship is usually designed to meet their own needs. Even though your needs for attention, affection and love are often ignored. Instead of meeting your needs, a narcissistic partner is often judgmental and highly qualified to make you feel bad about yourself.

The reason relationship makes you feel bad is because most narcissists are abusive and hurt you at every turn. And in this crazy process, the narcissist actually feels like a victim, who has the right to get even more from you. Sound familiar? Narcissists are masters of blame. In fact, they have a hard time seeing what they are doing wrong in their relationships. But they see very easily what they think YOU are doing wrong. That's why you're probably feeling bad about yourself right now.

So this blog is all about how to empower yourself to leave a narcissist. Even though he's so charming and so smart. To free yourself from a relationship that just isn't working. So here are six powerful hacks.

How to Leave a Narcissist: #1 Safety First

Some narcissists are mean, controlling, and violent. At the time of loss, a narcissist will typically feel very angry and may become physically violent. If you are dealing with a potentially violent situation, safety must come first. Especially if you have children. Contact the Domestic Violence Helpline for advice and guidance on how to safely leave a potentially abusive relationship.

How to Quit a Narcissist: #2 Protect Your Assets

Since many narcissists feel like victims, they might retaliate against you for leaving. After all, in their eyes, you "owe" them. For this reason, before discussing leaving your partner, change your passwords for your bank accounts, email, Facebook account, etc. This way, the narcissist cannot drain your assets or disrupt your business.

How to Leave a Narcissist: #3

Since your confidence has been shot down by the relationship, it is absolutely imperative that you work on holding yourself accountable. So that you have the strength to leave misery behind.

A great way to achieve higher self-esteem is to give yourself a nickname that empowers and validates you. Even if you just don't feel up to it now! You can. It's just a small door that can help you step into the light. Then try this exercise.

Think of adjectives and/or phrases that connote strength, courage, empowerment, boundaries, resilience, right action and/or forgiveness. Choose words that reflect how you would like to experience yourself during this difficult time in your life.

So read the list below and feel in each of them to see what suits you.

Authorized Confident Courageous Discern Without fear Protected Clever Resilient Who can handle anyone successfully lighthouse of strength Who has clear boundaries Who does the right deed Who expresses anger constructively and creatively Who cleverly uses his anger as a force for good unstoppable Strong, Whole and Effective self-indulgent Who is divinely protected Who is under the protection of God Who feels her feelings and lets them go

Now think of an empowering name to use for yourself, such as Goddess, Witch, or Heroine. And add it to your adjective and/or phrase from the list above. So your empowering healing name could be Powerful Goddess who is divinely protected. Or Triumphant Heroine who performs righteous deed.

So write down your empowering nickname and put it where you can see it every day. Also go shopping...

How to Quit a Narcissist: Six Powerful Tips

leave a narcissist Leaving a narcissist takes courage and emotional support. As you probably know, since you're reading this right now, narcissists are charming, manipulative, and adept at keeping you in a tangled relationship. And that relationship is usually designed to meet their own needs. Even though your needs for attention, affection and love are often ignored. Instead of meeting your needs, a narcissistic partner is often judgmental and highly qualified to make you feel bad about yourself.

The reason relationship makes you feel bad is because most narcissists are abusive and hurt you at every turn. And in this crazy process, the narcissist actually feels like a victim, who has the right to get even more from you. Sound familiar? Narcissists are masters of blame. In fact, they have a hard time seeing what they are doing wrong in their relationships. But they see very easily what they think YOU are doing wrong. That's why you're probably feeling bad about yourself right now.

So this blog is all about how to empower yourself to leave a narcissist. Even though he's so charming and so smart. To free yourself from a relationship that just isn't working. So here are six powerful hacks.

How to Leave a Narcissist: #1 Safety First

Some narcissists are mean, controlling, and violent. At the time of loss, a narcissist will typically feel very angry and may become physically violent. If you are dealing with a potentially violent situation, safety must come first. Especially if you have children. Contact the Domestic Violence Helpline for advice and guidance on how to safely leave a potentially abusive relationship.

How to Quit a Narcissist: #2 Protect Your Assets

Since many narcissists feel like victims, they might retaliate against you for leaving. After all, in their eyes, you "owe" them. For this reason, before discussing leaving your partner, change your passwords for your bank accounts, email, Facebook account, etc. This way, the narcissist cannot drain your assets or disrupt your business.

How to Leave a Narcissist: #3

Since your confidence has been shot down by the relationship, it is absolutely imperative that you work on holding yourself accountable. So that you have the strength to leave misery behind.

A great way to achieve higher self-esteem is to give yourself a nickname that empowers and validates you. Even if you just don't feel up to it now! You can. It's just a small door that can help you step into the light. Then try this exercise.

Think of adjectives and/or phrases that connote strength, courage, empowerment, boundaries, resilience, right action and/or forgiveness. Choose words that reflect how you would like to experience yourself during this difficult time in your life.

So read the list below and feel in each of them to see what suits you.

Authorized Confident Courageous Discern Without fear Protected Clever Resilient Who can handle anyone successfully lighthouse of strength Who has clear boundaries Who does the right deed Who expresses anger constructively and creatively Who cleverly uses his anger as a force for good unstoppable Strong, Whole and Effective self-indulgent Who is divinely protected Who is under the protection of God Who feels her feelings and lets them go

Now think of an empowering name to use for yourself, such as Goddess, Witch, or Heroine. And add it to your adjective and/or phrase from the list above. So your empowering healing name could be Powerful Goddess who is divinely protected. Or Triumphant Heroine who performs righteous deed.

So write down your empowering nickname and put it where you can see it every day. Also go shopping...

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