John Major urges Jeremy Hunt to prioritize defense spending over tax cuts in budget

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Former Prime Minister Sir John Major has asked Jeremy Hunt to prioritize extra defense spending over tax cuts in the Budget .

The extraordinary intervention by the former Conservative leader poses a challenge to the chancellor just days before he reveals his plans.

Mr. Hunt is prepared to defy calls to give more money to the Defense Department, while using tax cuts to try to woo voters ahead of the election.

But Sir John said more money needed to be allocated to the armed forces following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and rising tensions in the Middle East.

When asked whether defense spending should be Mr Hunt's priority, he said: “That would be my choice. We are facing a real difficulty, both in terms of defense and certain public services. Usually, when defense spending increases, it is because a threat is evident. There is a clear threat. »

Britain “would be making a mistake over the next few years if we turned away from necessary spending on the armed forces,” he added in a discussion. at the Global Soft Power Summit in Westminster on Thursday.

His comments echo calls from other senior conservatives for more money for defense.

Former Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said the UK needed more money for defense "otherwise we won't be up to the task of future conflicts".


Commons leader and former Defense Secretary Penny Mordaunt told Mr Hunt this week that the Government's "first duty" was to protect the UK.

John Major

(Jonathan Br...

John Major urges Jeremy Hunt to prioritize defense spending over tax cuts in budget
View from Westminster Sign up to the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }>

Former Prime Minister Sir John Major has asked Jeremy Hunt to prioritize extra defense spending over tax cuts in the Budget .

The extraordinary intervention by the former Conservative leader poses a challenge to the chancellor just days before he reveals his plans.

Mr. Hunt is prepared to defy calls to give more money to the Defense Department, while using tax cuts to try to woo voters ahead of the election.

But Sir John said more money needed to be allocated to the armed forces following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and rising tensions in the Middle East.

When asked whether defense spending should be Mr Hunt's priority, he said: “That would be my choice. We are facing a real difficulty, both in terms of defense and certain public services. Usually, when defense spending increases, it is because a threat is evident. There is a clear threat. »

Britain “would be making a mistake over the next few years if we turned away from necessary spending on the armed forces,” he added in a discussion. at the Global Soft Power Summit in Westminster on Thursday.

His comments echo calls from other senior conservatives for more money for defense.

Former Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said the UK needed more money for defense "otherwise we won't be up to the task of future conflicts".


Commons leader and former Defense Secretary Penny Mordaunt told Mr Hunt this week that the Government's "first duty" was to protect the UK.

John Major

(Jonathan Br...

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