Kit Harington says he's excited to play Dirtbag in 'Blood For Dust'

April 20, 2024 12:08 p.m.
Kit Harington

Jon Snow can know Nothing, as THE famous double Since Game of Thrones go. But THE actor WHO plays him, Kit Harington, knows he East happy has stage out THE hero role And flex another side of her acting chops.

In A interview with THE actor Express pleasure has socket on A different sort of character In THE neo-western, Blood For Dust.

Harington pieces Ricky, A drugs And arm Merchant, WHO works For A cartel.

"I rarely get THE opportunity has play THE Ricky of This world, THE antagonist dust bag types, And I was excited has be present with that opposite A actor as "Scoot," Harington said.

Harington adopted A mustache And American accent In THE movie. It is all part of her plan has develop her range. While Harington won THE role of Black Knight In Eternals, backlash makes he unlikely that he will reprise THE character In future projects.

Instead, he has find What he East look For In Blood For Dust.

"That East apparently What I have has been hunting A little," Harington said. "If I look has THE the roles I have taken Since playing A in its own right hero In Game of Thrones, I to have has admit there seems has be a few sort of repel about playing A hero. I am not SO interested In heroic the roles, And if I am, they to have has be pretty antihero. »

Playing A hero East hard, Harington admits.

"[Playing] A guys WHO East TO DO all THE RIGHT things And East led by be GOOD, It is Stronger has TO DO that. And I think people WHO TO DO he with success, WHO play classically heroic the roles, are very talented actors. But has THE moment, I just find he more interesting look For THE be fed up people. »

Blood For Dust opens In theaters on April 19.

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Kit Harington says he's excited to play Dirtbag in 'Blood For Dust'
April 20, 2024 12:08 p.m.
Kit Harington

Jon Snow can know Nothing, as THE famous double Since Game of Thrones go. But THE actor WHO plays him, Kit Harington, knows he East happy has stage out THE hero role And flex another side of her acting chops.

In A interview with THE actor Express pleasure has socket on A different sort of character In THE neo-western, Blood For Dust.

Harington pieces Ricky, A drugs And arm Merchant, WHO works For A cartel.

"I rarely get THE opportunity has play THE Ricky of This world, THE antagonist dust bag types, And I was excited has be present with that opposite A actor as "Scoot," Harington said.

Harington adopted A mustache And American accent In THE movie. It is all part of her plan has develop her range. While Harington won THE role of Black Knight In Eternals, backlash makes he unlikely that he will reprise THE character In future projects.

Instead, he has find What he East look For In Blood For Dust.

"That East apparently What I have has been hunting A little," Harington said. "If I look has THE the roles I have taken Since playing A in its own right hero In Game of Thrones, I to have has admit there seems has be a few sort of repel about playing A hero. I am not SO interested In heroic the roles, And if I am, they to have has be pretty antihero. »

Playing A hero East hard, Harington admits.

"[Playing] A guys WHO East TO DO all THE RIGHT things And East led by be GOOD, It is Stronger has TO DO that. And I think people WHO TO DO he with success, WHO play classically heroic the roles, are very talented actors. But has THE moment, I just find he more interesting look For THE be fed up people. »

Blood For Dust opens In theaters on April 19.

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