Kwasi Kwarteng 'thinks Liz Truss will be gone in a few weeks' after sacking him as chancellor


Kwasi Kwarteng thinks there are only a few weeks left to Liz Truss as Prime Minister after they sacked her as Chancellor and canceled key parts of their mini-budget.

Mr. Kwarteng believes Ms Truss only bought herself "a few weeks" of work by forcing him out, according to a source quoted in The Times.

The Chancellor learned he was being sacked after reading an article in The Times, the newspaper reported.

He had returned early from talks at the International Monetary Fund in America to be told by Ms. Truss that he should step down.

"Kwasi thinks it only buys him a few more weeks",

"According to him, the wagons will go around in circles again."

Kwarteng thinks his sacking only bought Truss "a few more weeks", according to reports

A Whitehall source added: “Senior officials are now talking openly about his departure. They think she got it."

Ms Truss reportedly found it difficult to fire her ideological ally, Mr Kwarteng, but felt it had to be done.

She called new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt at 9.30am on Friday to offer him the job.Mr Hunt, who was on holiday with his family in Belgium, took the Eurostar back to London and returned to the UK after 1pm, the newspaper reported.

The Office of Budget Responsibility's forecasting projects were said to have been the catalyst for Ms. Truss' radical upheaval.

Liz Truss backtracked on corporate tax at a press conference on Friday

(Getty Images)

Predictions would be " disasters" and

In a bid to save her job as Prime Minister, Ms Truss gave an eight-minute press conference on Friday, during which she answered only four questions. < /p>

One former minister told The Independent: "She made Theresa May look like Barack Obama. She can't communicate. She's just not up to it."

Another minister said: "It looked like she was dragged there like a reluctant child forced to explain herself. There was no contrition."

Kwasi Kwarteng 'thinks Liz Truss will be gone in a few weeks' after sacking him as chancellor

Kwasi Kwarteng thinks there are only a few weeks left to Liz Truss as Prime Minister after they sacked her as Chancellor and canceled key parts of their mini-budget.

Mr. Kwarteng believes Ms Truss only bought herself "a few weeks" of work by forcing him out, according to a source quoted in The Times.

The Chancellor learned he was being sacked after reading an article in The Times, the newspaper reported.

He had returned early from talks at the International Monetary Fund in America to be told by Ms. Truss that he should step down.

"Kwasi thinks it only buys him a few more weeks",

"According to him, the wagons will go around in circles again."

Kwarteng thinks his sacking only bought Truss "a few more weeks", according to reports

A Whitehall source added: “Senior officials are now talking openly about his departure. They think she got it."

Ms Truss reportedly found it difficult to fire her ideological ally, Mr Kwarteng, but felt it had to be done.

She called new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt at 9.30am on Friday to offer him the job.Mr Hunt, who was on holiday with his family in Belgium, took the Eurostar back to London and returned to the UK after 1pm, the newspaper reported.

The Office of Budget Responsibility's forecasting projects were said to have been the catalyst for Ms. Truss' radical upheaval.

Liz Truss backtracked on corporate tax at a press conference on Friday

(Getty Images)

Predictions would be " disasters" and

In a bid to save her job as Prime Minister, Ms Truss gave an eight-minute press conference on Friday, during which she answered only four questions. < /p>

One former minister told The Independent: "She made Theresa May look like Barack Obama. She can't communicate. She's just not up to it."

Another minister said: "It looked like she was dragged there like a reluctant child forced to explain herself. There was no contrition."

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