Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng 'libertarian anarchists', says RMT boss Mick Lynch


Liz Truss and her chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng inflict libertarian anarchism on Britain with its economic plan, said railway union boss Mick Lynch.

General secretary of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union (RMT ) urged the nation to "wake up" to the impact of borrowing-fueled government tax cuts, as protests over the cost of living raged across the UK.


"Everyone in this country needs to wake up the Tory Party, not just because of this railroad dispute, but because of the rampant, radical, libertarian anarchism that is now emerging from issues 10 and 1 1,” Mr Lynch told LBC radio.

The union leader accused the Chancellor of “destroying the markets and prospects of many people in the country” – arguing that the Truss government had "no mandate" for the £45 billion. tax cuts that raised fears of major austerity cuts to come.

Mr. Lynch added, "Hardly anyone in this country had heard of Liz Truss in the last election, and Kwasi Kwarteng was more or less an obscure academic – he should have gone back to that."

Members of the RMT, Aslef, Unite and the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA) staged the latest 24-hour walkout on Saturday in a long-running dispute over pay, jobs and conditions.

Mr. Lynch - who said it was "scandalous" that some railway bosses were "raking in" around £2million a year as workers saw wages cut - wrote to new Transport Secretary Anne- Marie Trevelyan, urging him to take "urgent action to enable a negotiated settlement".

The union leader also claimed that ministers planned to close all ticket offices in Britain as well as the removal of train guards. The Ministry of Transport has insisted that no final decision has been made on ticket booths.

"No ticket booths will exist on the national rail network if [ex-transport secretary] Grant's plan Shapps is moving forward," Lynch said. said The Independent.

Saturday also saw thousands of people take to the streets in dozens of rallies organized by cost-of-living campaign groups Enough Is Enough and Don't Pay UK - which has seen some burn their energy bills in protest at sky-high costs.

Don't Pay UK - claiming to have 200,000 pledges of people ready to stop paying gas and electricity bills - staged rallies as the energy price cap was lifted, taking average annual household energy costs to a record £2,500.

Protesters, some of whom carried banners saying 'I can't afford to live', were seen throwing bills into controlled fires inside trash cans during 'national action' day. /p>

Climate protesters also briefly paralyzed Westminster Bridge, with activists as sitting on the road and playing instruments. Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion (XR) marched through central London.

One protester, who went by the name George, criticized the Conservative government's lack of 'budgetary responsibility' as well as its record in matter of fossil fuels.

"I don't think any government can run if it spends more, like a lot more, than it brings in. It can't go on forever." He added: 'I sound like David Cameron when I say that.'

Meanwhile thousands joined a march in Cardiff in support of Welsh independence, organized by All Under One Banner Cymru (AUOB) and Yes Cymru.

"We're big enough. We're strong enough. And we'll fight for that," actor Julian Lewis Jones, who plays Boremund, told the crowd. Baratheon in the Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon.

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng 'libertarian anarchists', says RMT boss Mick Lynch

Liz Truss and her chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng inflict libertarian anarchism on Britain with its economic plan, said railway union boss Mick Lynch.

General secretary of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union (RMT ) urged the nation to "wake up" to the impact of borrowing-fueled government tax cuts, as protests over the cost of living raged across the UK.


"Everyone in this country needs to wake up the Tory Party, not just because of this railroad dispute, but because of the rampant, radical, libertarian anarchism that is now emerging from issues 10 and 1 1,” Mr Lynch told LBC radio.

The union leader accused the Chancellor of “destroying the markets and prospects of many people in the country” – arguing that the Truss government had "no mandate" for the £45 billion. tax cuts that raised fears of major austerity cuts to come.

Mr. Lynch added, "Hardly anyone in this country had heard of Liz Truss in the last election, and Kwasi Kwarteng was more or less an obscure academic – he should have gone back to that."

Members of the RMT, Aslef, Unite and the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA) staged the latest 24-hour walkout on Saturday in a long-running dispute over pay, jobs and conditions.

Mr. Lynch - who said it was "scandalous" that some railway bosses were "raking in" around £2million a year as workers saw wages cut - wrote to new Transport Secretary Anne- Marie Trevelyan, urging him to take "urgent action to enable a negotiated settlement".

The union leader also claimed that ministers planned to close all ticket offices in Britain as well as the removal of train guards. The Ministry of Transport has insisted that no final decision has been made on ticket booths.

"No ticket booths will exist on the national rail network if [ex-transport secretary] Grant's plan Shapps is moving forward," Lynch said. said The Independent.

Saturday also saw thousands of people take to the streets in dozens of rallies organized by cost-of-living campaign groups Enough Is Enough and Don't Pay UK - which has seen some burn their energy bills in protest at sky-high costs.

Don't Pay UK - claiming to have 200,000 pledges of people ready to stop paying gas and electricity bills - staged rallies as the energy price cap was lifted, taking average annual household energy costs to a record £2,500.

Protesters, some of whom carried banners saying 'I can't afford to live', were seen throwing bills into controlled fires inside trash cans during 'national action' day. /p>

Climate protesters also briefly paralyzed Westminster Bridge, with activists as sitting on the road and playing instruments. Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion (XR) marched through central London.

One protester, who went by the name George, criticized the Conservative government's lack of 'budgetary responsibility' as well as its record in matter of fossil fuels.

"I don't think any government can run if it spends more, like a lot more, than it brings in. It can't go on forever." He added: 'I sound like David Cameron when I say that.'

Meanwhile thousands joined a march in Cardiff in support of Welsh independence, organized by All Under One Banner Cymru (AUOB) and Yes Cymru.

"We're big enough. We're strong enough. And we'll fight for that," actor Julian Lewis Jones, who plays Boremund, told the crowd. Baratheon in the Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon.

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