Liz Truss News – Live: Tory favorite makes U-turn on public sector wages

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Liz Truss will "channel the spirit of the Lionesses" and defeat "plastic patriot" Keir StarmerIndyEat

Liz Truss has walked away from management's pledge to cut public sector wages for workers outside the South East of England to barely 12 hours after it was announced, following a huge backlash from fellow Tories.

Ben Houchen, a co-mayor An influential conservative who backs Rishi Sunak to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister has said he is 'absolutely speechless' at proposals he says will 'undo' progress being made in parts of the country, such as his Teesside local.

He was just one of many to criticize the Foreign Secretary's plan to cut £8.8billion in public sector wages outside London, which has sparked warnings that nurses, police and teachers would be poorer.

Unions had told Ms Truss to expect ‘opposition at every stage’, while Labor said that the plans would spell the end of the government's leveling scheme.

Ms Truss also sparked fury after she branded Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon an 'attention seeker' who should be ignored, in comments during the Tory campaign in Exeter on Monday that were described as 'deeply disturbing' by Ms Sturgeon's deputy John Swinney.

1659443957Latest Conservative Leadership Betting Odds as 'Underdog' Rishi Sunk Closes the Gap on Liz Truss

The gap between Rishi Sunak and Conservative Leadership favorite Liz Truss has narrowed, according to a bookmaker, citing a poll conducted before the Foreign Secretary's embarrassing U-turn today.

A survey by Italian firm Techne, conducted between July 19-27, places the Foreign Secretary Foreign Affairs at 48% among Tory members and the former Chancellor at 43%, with 9% undecided.

Tony Kenny, spokesman for William Hill, said: "Rishi's campaign Sunak has received a much-needed boost as recent polls suggest things are going...

Liz Truss News – Live: Tory favorite makes U-turn on public sector wages
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Liz Truss will "channel the spirit of the Lionesses" and defeat "plastic patriot" Keir StarmerIndyEat

Liz Truss has walked away from management's pledge to cut public sector wages for workers outside the South East of England to barely 12 hours after it was announced, following a huge backlash from fellow Tories.

Ben Houchen, a co-mayor An influential conservative who backs Rishi Sunak to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister has said he is 'absolutely speechless' at proposals he says will 'undo' progress being made in parts of the country, such as his Teesside local.

He was just one of many to criticize the Foreign Secretary's plan to cut £8.8billion in public sector wages outside London, which has sparked warnings that nurses, police and teachers would be poorer.

Unions had told Ms Truss to expect ‘opposition at every stage’, while Labor said that the plans would spell the end of the government's leveling scheme.

Ms Truss also sparked fury after she branded Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon an 'attention seeker' who should be ignored, in comments during the Tory campaign in Exeter on Monday that were described as 'deeply disturbing' by Ms Sturgeon's deputy John Swinney.

1659443957Latest Conservative Leadership Betting Odds as 'Underdog' Rishi Sunk Closes the Gap on Liz Truss

The gap between Rishi Sunak and Conservative Leadership favorite Liz Truss has narrowed, according to a bookmaker, citing a poll conducted before the Foreign Secretary's embarrassing U-turn today.

A survey by Italian firm Techne, conducted between July 19-27, places the Foreign Secretary Foreign Affairs at 48% among Tory members and the former Chancellor at 43%, with 9% undecided.

Tony Kenny, spokesman for William Hill, said: "Rishi's campaign Sunak has received a much-needed boost as recent polls suggest things are going...

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