Michael Gove eyes concessions to secure planning reform ahead of Tory rebels

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Michael Gove is considering a list of concessions to rebel Tory MPs in order to get his planning reform proposals through parliament.

Amendments to the government's landmark housing bill could tighten planning rules in some situations - in a bid to win over the Tories.

A proposed amendment would make it harder converting homes to vacation allows, by requiring anyone who wishes to file a planning application for a change of use.

Other ideas include a "use or lose clause" designed to prevent developers from sitting on land with planning permission, The Times newspaper reports.

There could also be new incentives for developers to using brownfield sites and a new right of appeal for residents against unpopular developments.

The government says its Leveling and Regeneration Bill will help meet its target of building 300,000 homes a year.

The legislation includes process reform plan by which councils set conditions for development and includes other changes such as a new infrastructure tax for developers.

But backbench Tories in resistant constituencies housing construction are trying to amend the bill to make certain types of development more difficult.

About 50 MPs have signed an amendment proposed by former minister Theresa Villiers which would remove mandatory local housing construction targets for councils.

It is backed by a number number of former ministers, including Iain Duncan Smith, Priti Patel, Chris Grayling and Damian Green.

The scale of the rebellion has apparently spooked ministers, a source telling The Times< /em> that the government was clearly 'negotiating mode'.

Mr Gove's proposals already fall behind the continuation of planning reforms proposed under Boris Johnson - parts of which have been shelved following a backbench outcry.

In an offer to curry favor with his proposals, the communities secretary stressed that new developments had to be beautiful and be part of a neighborhood.

Michael Gove eyes concessions to secure planning reform ahead of Tory rebels
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Michael Gove is considering a list of concessions to rebel Tory MPs in order to get his planning reform proposals through parliament.

Amendments to the government's landmark housing bill could tighten planning rules in some situations - in a bid to win over the Tories.

A proposed amendment would make it harder converting homes to vacation allows, by requiring anyone who wishes to file a planning application for a change of use.

Other ideas include a "use or lose clause" designed to prevent developers from sitting on land with planning permission, The Times newspaper reports.

There could also be new incentives for developers to using brownfield sites and a new right of appeal for residents against unpopular developments.

The government says its Leveling and Regeneration Bill will help meet its target of building 300,000 homes a year.

The legislation includes process reform plan by which councils set conditions for development and includes other changes such as a new infrastructure tax for developers.

But backbench Tories in resistant constituencies housing construction are trying to amend the bill to make certain types of development more difficult.

About 50 MPs have signed an amendment proposed by former minister Theresa Villiers which would remove mandatory local housing construction targets for councils.

It is backed by a number number of former ministers, including Iain Duncan Smith, Priti Patel, Chris Grayling and Damian Green.

The scale of the rebellion has apparently spooked ministers, a source telling The Times< /em> that the government was clearly 'negotiating mode'.

Mr Gove's proposals already fall behind the continuation of planning reforms proposed under Boris Johnson - parts of which have been shelved following a backbench outcry.

In an offer to curry favor with his proposals, the communities secretary stressed that new developments had to be beautiful and be part of a neighborhood.

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