Microcoaching: The Next Generation of Personal Development

As the modern workplace evolves, its associated practices must also evolve. Previously a desk meant a fixed location, now it's anywhere with an internet connection or something to write with. A multi-million dollar business used to require heaps of staff and complicated infrastructure, now it could be a teenager with a Shopify site. Previously, meetings were always face-to-face. Emails used to be faxes. Instant payments used to be checks. You get the idea.

Ambitious entrepreneurs maximize their time; integrating more of what matters and doing less of what doesn't. More is automated, delegated and eliminated than ever before. It makes sense that coaching should be discussed.

What is micro-coaching?

Microcoaching is an alternative to traditional coaching, consisting of smaller, more frequent questions, guidance, and assistance. Rather than scheduling hour-long calls or face-to-face meetings, microcoaching can involve a five-minute conversation every few days and the exchange of voice notes or questions and text prompts between the coach and the customer. The premise is that frequent doses of advice might help someone stay on track better than an in-depth discussion every two weeks, for example.

Microcoaching is used by coaches looking to adapt their practices to a changing workplace, as well as the changing demands of a modern entrepreneur. It is used in larger organizations, to enable senior team members to offer support to juniors, or to enable peer development. It can be used within networks of entrepreneurs or between groups of friends. Anytime you spend time with someone who helps you find solutions or holds you accountable, you could be the recipient of microcoaching.

Formal, structured coaching has its place, but for some clients of coaches it is beyond the requirements and shorter, more frequent bursts of motivation, inspiration, and nudge may prove more beneficial.< /p> What makes microcoaching so effective?

Microcoaching, by its very nature, allows for more frequent catch-ups and a real-time method of staying in touch. This means that challenges can be assessed and dissected and a plan of action can be developed without waiting for the next scheduled session, which may be weeks or even months in the future. This is especially useful if the microcoaching recipient thinks they may have made a mistake, could have handled a situation better, or have an important decision they would like to discuss.

The faster implementation of microcoaching can make the recipient more effective in their work. Whether self-employed or salaried, they are less likely to waste time pursuing inefficient practices or go too far down a rabbit hole before getting caught. Feedback loops are much shorter, which means actions can be redirected accordingly. Additionally, the microcoaching receiver can access frequent doses of motivation, keeping their level high rather than allowing ups and downs.

One of the main advantages of microcoaching is its flexible nature, especially when communication is delivered asynchronously. This means that coach and client can exchange ideas and questions at their own pace, when it suits them. This eliminates the need to find time in two busy schedules and set aside an afternoon for call and review. Long coaching calls can be exhausting for both parties and aren't always effective. Additionally, long coaching calls may require an initial catch-up phase, which microcoaching negates the need for.

How can entrepreneurs benefit from microcoaching?

Ambitious entrepreneurs are hungry for knowledge, including feedback and guidance on how they can improve. They can open up to microcoaching by letting key people around them know that regular feedback is welcome.

In a formal coaching relationship, where an entrepreneur has commissioned a coach, they may adapt the schedule to communicate in smaller bursts and incorporate ad hoc phone calls, shorter catch-ups, or voice notes , reserving the longer sessions for deep dives are needed or when there is something important to discuss. This a...

Microcoaching: The Next Generation of Personal Development

As the modern workplace evolves, its associated practices must also evolve. Previously a desk meant a fixed location, now it's anywhere with an internet connection or something to write with. A multi-million dollar business used to require heaps of staff and complicated infrastructure, now it could be a teenager with a Shopify site. Previously, meetings were always face-to-face. Emails used to be faxes. Instant payments used to be checks. You get the idea.

Ambitious entrepreneurs maximize their time; integrating more of what matters and doing less of what doesn't. More is automated, delegated and eliminated than ever before. It makes sense that coaching should be discussed.

What is micro-coaching?

Microcoaching is an alternative to traditional coaching, consisting of smaller, more frequent questions, guidance, and assistance. Rather than scheduling hour-long calls or face-to-face meetings, microcoaching can involve a five-minute conversation every few days and the exchange of voice notes or questions and text prompts between the coach and the customer. The premise is that frequent doses of advice might help someone stay on track better than an in-depth discussion every two weeks, for example.

Microcoaching is used by coaches looking to adapt their practices to a changing workplace, as well as the changing demands of a modern entrepreneur. It is used in larger organizations, to enable senior team members to offer support to juniors, or to enable peer development. It can be used within networks of entrepreneurs or between groups of friends. Anytime you spend time with someone who helps you find solutions or holds you accountable, you could be the recipient of microcoaching.

Formal, structured coaching has its place, but for some clients of coaches it is beyond the requirements and shorter, more frequent bursts of motivation, inspiration, and nudge may prove more beneficial.< /p> What makes microcoaching so effective?

Microcoaching, by its very nature, allows for more frequent catch-ups and a real-time method of staying in touch. This means that challenges can be assessed and dissected and a plan of action can be developed without waiting for the next scheduled session, which may be weeks or even months in the future. This is especially useful if the microcoaching recipient thinks they may have made a mistake, could have handled a situation better, or have an important decision they would like to discuss.

The faster implementation of microcoaching can make the recipient more effective in their work. Whether self-employed or salaried, they are less likely to waste time pursuing inefficient practices or go too far down a rabbit hole before getting caught. Feedback loops are much shorter, which means actions can be redirected accordingly. Additionally, the microcoaching receiver can access frequent doses of motivation, keeping their level high rather than allowing ups and downs.

One of the main advantages of microcoaching is its flexible nature, especially when communication is delivered asynchronously. This means that coach and client can exchange ideas and questions at their own pace, when it suits them. This eliminates the need to find time in two busy schedules and set aside an afternoon for call and review. Long coaching calls can be exhausting for both parties and aren't always effective. Additionally, long coaching calls may require an initial catch-up phase, which microcoaching negates the need for.

How can entrepreneurs benefit from microcoaching?

Ambitious entrepreneurs are hungry for knowledge, including feedback and guidance on how they can improve. They can open up to microcoaching by letting key people around them know that regular feedback is welcome.

In a formal coaching relationship, where an entrepreneur has commissioned a coach, they may adapt the schedule to communicate in smaller bursts and incorporate ad hoc phone calls, shorter catch-ups, or voice notes , reserving the longer sessions for deep dives are needed or when there is something important to discuss. This a...

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