Andy Dick arrested for public intoxication and failure to register as a sex offender

andy dick mug shot

Riverside County Sheriff's Department

No more legal trouble for Andy Dick...and it all started with alcohol.

Andy was arrested early Friday morning in Lake Elsinore, Calif., after sheriff's deputies said he received a call about an intoxicated person.

Law enforcement says when the deputies arrived Andy was showing signs of being drunk...and he was arrested without incident.

Sheriffs say they checked Andy's records during the arrest and determined he was a registered sex offender who was not up to date on his he was banged for that too.

Andy was eventually taken to a detention center on two counts... being under the influence of alcohol in public and failing to register as a sex offender.

The sheriff's department says they are still investigating.

05/11/22 Captain Content YouTube/VR

This is Andy's second arrest in 8 we first reported, Andy was arrested in Santa Barbara, California in October for allegedly stealing power tools from the someone's garage. Andy was also arrested last May, when he was charged with sexual assault, and the arrest was broadcast live.

Andy Dick arrested for public intoxication and failure to register as a sex offender
andy dick mug shot

Riverside County Sheriff's Department

No more legal trouble for Andy Dick...and it all started with alcohol.

Andy was arrested early Friday morning in Lake Elsinore, Calif., after sheriff's deputies said he received a call about an intoxicated person.

Law enforcement says when the deputies arrived Andy was showing signs of being drunk...and he was arrested without incident.

Sheriffs say they checked Andy's records during the arrest and determined he was a registered sex offender who was not up to date on his he was banged for that too.

Andy was eventually taken to a detention center on two counts... being under the influence of alcohol in public and failing to register as a sex offender.

The sheriff's department says they are still investigating.

05/11/22 Captain Content YouTube/VR

This is Andy's second arrest in 8 we first reported, Andy was arrested in Santa Barbara, California in October for allegedly stealing power tools from the someone's garage. Andy was also arrested last May, when he was charged with sexual assault, and the arrest was broadcast live.

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