Army condemns soldier misconduct, LASTMA officials clash

Nigeria's military said it would launch a campaign for traffic enforcement among its officers as as many as five yet-to-be-identified soldiers attacked an Agency official on Monday of Lagos State Traffic Management.< /p>

A 31-second viral video showed the soldiers with scarves to conceal their identities, and at least two civilians, one of whom was also hiding his face, attacking one of the officials of the agency.

As the LASTMA official kept screaming for mercy, one of the soldiers was seen kicking him with his boot.

Despite his appeal for clemency, military and civilians swarmed him as the official, dressed in a torn LASTMA uniform and rolling on the ground, was kicked in the several times before the soldiers and civilians fled.

Meanwhile, a separate 16-second video seen by our correspondent on Monday showed a LASTMA official dragging a soldier out of the front seat of a commercial bus and hitting him with his baton.

While the cause of the fight has yet to be determined at press time, it is unclear if the two incidents were related.

Reacting, Nigerian army spokesman Brig. General Onyema Nwachukwu, said the army was trying to educate its leaders on the need to respect the rules of the road.

He said: “I must say it is troubling that the soldiers/LASTMA conflict is now one too many. The Nigerian Army authorities are genuinely concerned and are embarking on a vigorous sensitization campaign to educate our personnel on the need to ensure compliance with traffic rules and to promote synergy and inter-agency cooperation in the state. from Lagos and throughout the country.

"To keep our personnel in check, the Military Police have also been mandated to conduct Operation Checkmate by conducting intermittent surveillance to identify and arrest personnel violating traffic rules or who engages in any objectionable activity. The altercations indicate that there is a need to strengthen inter-agency cooperation between security agencies in Lagos.

"Those who enforce the rules must also be made aware not to take justice into their own hands by physically attacking or beating offenders. This, more often than not, escalates the situation and results in a violent confrontation.< /p>

For his part, Nigerian Army 81st Division spokesman Olabisi Ayeni told PUNCH Metro in a WhatsApp that the military was investigating Friday's incident.

"I know that LASTMA personnel attacked a uniformed soldier on Friday. The matter is being investigated," Ayeni said simply on Monday.

Speaking, LASTMA spokesman Taofeek Adebayo, who confirmed Monday's video during a phone interview with our correspondent, said LASTMA will respond in due course.

"Be patient with me; it is a sensitive subject. I have to get permission,” Adebayo said simply on Monday.

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Army condemns soldier misconduct, LASTMA officials clash

Nigeria's military said it would launch a campaign for traffic enforcement among its officers as as many as five yet-to-be-identified soldiers attacked an Agency official on Monday of Lagos State Traffic Management.< /p>

A 31-second viral video showed the soldiers with scarves to conceal their identities, and at least two civilians, one of whom was also hiding his face, attacking one of the officials of the agency.

As the LASTMA official kept screaming for mercy, one of the soldiers was seen kicking him with his boot.

Despite his appeal for clemency, military and civilians swarmed him as the official, dressed in a torn LASTMA uniform and rolling on the ground, was kicked in the several times before the soldiers and civilians fled.

Meanwhile, a separate 16-second video seen by our correspondent on Monday showed a LASTMA official dragging a soldier out of the front seat of a commercial bus and hitting him with his baton.

While the cause of the fight has yet to be determined at press time, it is unclear if the two incidents were related.

Reacting, Nigerian army spokesman Brig. General Onyema Nwachukwu, said the army was trying to educate its leaders on the need to respect the rules of the road.

He said: “I must say it is troubling that the soldiers/LASTMA conflict is now one too many. The Nigerian Army authorities are genuinely concerned and are embarking on a vigorous sensitization campaign to educate our personnel on the need to ensure compliance with traffic rules and to promote synergy and inter-agency cooperation in the state. from Lagos and throughout the country.

"To keep our personnel in check, the Military Police have also been mandated to conduct Operation Checkmate by conducting intermittent surveillance to identify and arrest personnel violating traffic rules or who engages in any objectionable activity. The altercations indicate that there is a need to strengthen inter-agency cooperation between security agencies in Lagos.

"Those who enforce the rules must also be made aware not to take justice into their own hands by physically attacking or beating offenders. This, more often than not, escalates the situation and results in a violent confrontation.< /p>

For his part, Nigerian Army 81st Division spokesman Olabisi Ayeni told PUNCH Metro in a WhatsApp that the military was investigating Friday's incident.

"I know that LASTMA personnel attacked a uniformed soldier on Friday. The matter is being investigated," Ayeni said simply on Monday.

Speaking, LASTMA spokesman Taofeek Adebayo, who confirmed Monday's video during a phone interview with our correspondent, said LASTMA will respond in due course.

"Be patient with me; it is a sensitive subject. I have to get permission,” Adebayo said simply on Monday.

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