Flamingo Estate partners with Girl Scouts to develop programming focused on body neutrality

Flamingo Domain And Girl Scouts to have teamed up up has booster body trust among young girls And teenagers.

On THE following two years, Flamingo Domain will make a donation $100,000 has Girl the scouts, aimed has support research And subsequent program development supposed has fight body shame among Girl The scouts More than a million members, with A to focus on emphasizing body neutrality on body positivity.

"Body positivity East something great that You can opt In, but THE concept And idea that You could always be body positive just doesn't seem very realistic," said Flamingo Areas head of social impact Maggie Hureau, add that young girls are more likely that their male counterparts has be taught has appreciate their body For how they look, instead that What they can accomplish. "HAS be more neutral — has think about your body In terms of how he obtained You Since indicate A has indicate Z, East A better path of thought that value he For What he looks as. »

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HAS that END, THE First of all year of THE Partnership will be concentrate on conduct research among THE Girl Scouts community has determine What significant support should look as. Future programming could train dedicated, routine conversations with Girl Scouts volunteers; with members' own caregivers; In troop meetings — Or all of THE above.

"Were talk has Girl Scouts of all age about What self-confidence means has them, And were very open has seeing Or THE research led We," said Sarah Keating, vice president of girl experience And program delivery has Girl Scouts.

Elementary schoolchildren — Or those In THE Daisy, Elf And Junior membership levels — to understand THE majority of Girl The scouts member base, with Keating report "A big deposit between elementary And medium school" — which East Also A scene When girls' trust East likely has take A hit.

"A lot of things change In A children life as they move Since elementary school has medium school, but We TO DO know that East THE indicate In time When Girl Scouts can to have THE most impact, particularly When were talk about body trust," said Keating, add THE organization introduced A Mental Well-being patch And corresponding programming A little years There is has better meet THE needs of early adolescence And teenager girls, And body picture programming "East THE following scene of That. »

For Flamingo Domain, Also, THE Partnership Brands A extension of existing efforts has support women In to favor in good health relationships with their body. From launch, THE body care brand has collaborated with trauma-informed yoga business Inhale has Exhale, And earlier This month, Flamingo Domain revealed A podcast, "Indiscipline," which addresses THE commodification And regulation of Women's body.

"A of THE cool things has arrive along THE path of We partnership with organizations has discuss body autonomy And trying has find manners In which We can talk has OUR clients about This work, East realize he resonates with women In their 30s, 40s And the 50's, a few of Who to have Never heard these terms Before," said Hureau. "We should all be continually learning And understanding — And We can learn together. »

For Keating, Also, maximize impact East key.

"My hope East that We will see [Girl Scouts] pay he Before, that What they learn In This program, they will find And invent manners has share he with THE wider world, which East What I Really to wait for We will see. »

Flamingo Estate partners with Girl Scouts to develop programming focused on body neutrality

Flamingo Domain And Girl Scouts to have teamed up up has booster body trust among young girls And teenagers.

On THE following two years, Flamingo Domain will make a donation $100,000 has Girl the scouts, aimed has support research And subsequent program development supposed has fight body shame among Girl The scouts More than a million members, with A to focus on emphasizing body neutrality on body positivity.

"Body positivity East something great that You can opt In, but THE concept And idea that You could always be body positive just doesn't seem very realistic," said Flamingo Areas head of social impact Maggie Hureau, add that young girls are more likely that their male counterparts has be taught has appreciate their body For how they look, instead that What they can accomplish. "HAS be more neutral — has think about your body In terms of how he obtained You Since indicate A has indicate Z, East A better path of thought that value he For What he looks as. »

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HAS that END, THE First of all year of THE Partnership will be concentrate on conduct research among THE Girl Scouts community has determine What significant support should look as. Future programming could train dedicated, routine conversations with Girl Scouts volunteers; with members' own caregivers; In troop meetings — Or all of THE above.

"Were talk has Girl Scouts of all age about What self-confidence means has them, And were very open has seeing Or THE research led We," said Sarah Keating, vice president of girl experience And program delivery has Girl Scouts.

Elementary schoolchildren — Or those In THE Daisy, Elf And Junior membership levels — to understand THE majority of Girl The scouts member base, with Keating report "A big deposit between elementary And medium school" — which East Also A scene When girls' trust East likely has take A hit.

"A lot of things change In A children life as they move Since elementary school has medium school, but We TO DO know that East THE indicate In time When Girl Scouts can to have THE most impact, particularly When were talk about body trust," said Keating, add THE organization introduced A Mental Well-being patch And corresponding programming A little years There is has better meet THE needs of early adolescence And teenager girls, And body picture programming "East THE following scene of That. »

For Flamingo Domain, Also, THE Partnership Brands A extension of existing efforts has support women In to favor in good health relationships with their body. From launch, THE body care brand has collaborated with trauma-informed yoga business Inhale has Exhale, And earlier This month, Flamingo Domain revealed A podcast, "Indiscipline," which addresses THE commodification And regulation of Women's body.

"A of THE cool things has arrive along THE path of We partnership with organizations has discuss body autonomy And trying has find manners In which We can talk has OUR clients about This work, East realize he resonates with women In their 30s, 40s And the 50's, a few of Who to have Never heard these terms Before," said Hureau. "We should all be continually learning And understanding — And We can learn together. »

For Keating, Also, maximize impact East key.

"My hope East that We will see [Girl Scouts] pay he Before, that What they learn In This program, they will find And invent manners has share he with THE wider world, which East What I Really to wait for We will see. »

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