From Glo, a new creative axis for businesses after its 20th anniversary

HAS THE Éko Hotel place of THE "Evening with Glo” event last SATURDAY, A was LEFT wondering What Exactly THE business had In store For It is guests, Above all captains of Industries, business associates And high net value customers.

THE room was decorated with THE Your reflecting from Globacom touch of Green. Nothing prepared A For THE exhilarating amusing that was foreseen, courtesy Dr. Mike Adenuga Globacom. THE speech were little And short, while THE amusing was long And packed up. From THE entertaining saxophonist Yémi Sax dishes out soft tunes Since THE cocktail segment has THE engaging faucet dancers performance on THE scene, THE evening was packed up complete of entertainment. Comedians Arinzé Baba And Gordon were Also on ground has ensure people laughed their hearts outside.

THE evening was Also capped with musical performances Since THE duo of Glo ambassadors, Chike And Asake. Chike resonated GOOD with THE guests as he sang sound “Osondi Owendi "If You No love", among other Songs while Asake particularly impressed her Fans with a few of her miscellaneous popular Songs such as “Amapiano”, “Roju”, "Sungba", “Joha” And her signature anthem, “Lonely”.

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Glo civil servants do short And accurate presentations has enlighten THE the company projections In THE immediate future And Also revealed It is freshly struck television advertising has give expression has THE the company new communication direction.

Earlier that day, THE business detained A press conference has emphasize It is 20 years success stories In THE country telecommunications sector. SO, THE evening event partially served as A AVERAGE has Also project In What THE business will to focus on In THE immediate future.

THE the company new communication strategy to focus, " Feed Ambition," was publicly introduced has THE event. THE campaign demonstrates from Globacom preparation And ability has provide companies And people with THE resources And services they need has together And meet difficult goals on A staff And professional level.

THE reasoning behind This East THE do that Globacom believes that When people realize their ambitions, there East sharing prosperity For THE nation has big And For It is people. THE business clearly Speak clearly It is preparation has always support THE ambitions of It is clients has enable them has reach And even exceed such target ambitions.

In her to welcome address has THE evening event, THE Executive Vice President of Globacom, mrs Bella Say, thanked Glo the subscribers, the partners, stakeholders And all those WHO to have has been with THE business each stage of THE path Since THE network spear In 2003. She explain that their contributions had largely help from Globacom success history on THE last twenty years.

Said Say: "This outstanding journey And THE Heights We have reached are all THANKS has THE visionary direction And tenacity of OUR founder And President, Doctor Mike Adénouga Jr."

She note that THE digital transformation has has been faster that What he was When Globacom begin out 20 years there is.

"What was once judge impossible East NOW THE standard. As A digital solutions supplier, We to kiss these unlimited opportunities has serve OUR clients by permanently invest In THE last tools And technology", She added.

She explain that from Globacom new communication direction concentrates more on feed And conduct ambition, while ensure success For Glo's existing And future customers.

"This event was special For a lot the reasons; A be that Globacom famous It is 20 birthday This pass August.

Were incredibly proud of This feat, which symbolizes two decades of OUR commitment has excellent service delivery, quality, innovation, And outstanding communication strategies. This outstanding journey And THE Heights We have reached are all THANKS has THE visionary direction And tenacity of OUR founder And President, Doctor Mike Adénouga Jr.

" You go accept with Me that THE current pace of digital transformation East far faster that What he was When Globacom begin. What was once judge impossible East NOW THE standard. As A digital solutions supplier, We to kiss these unlimited opportunities has serve OUR clients by permanently invest In THE last tools and technology.

This evening, We are thrilled has to unveil A new communication direction that concentrates more on feed And conduct ambition, while ensure success For OUR existing And future clients. These creative campaigns will undoubtedly inspire distinctions For OUR work hard Marketing Communications team. They deserve he, but I will to leave You In on A secret – THE creative genius piloting We And whip up most of these ideas East none other that THE great guru himself, OUR President, Doctor Mike Adénouga ...

From Glo, a new creative axis for businesses after its 20th anniversary

HAS THE Éko Hotel place of THE "Evening with Glo” event last SATURDAY, A was LEFT wondering What Exactly THE business had In store For It is guests, Above all captains of Industries, business associates And high net value customers.

THE room was decorated with THE Your reflecting from Globacom touch of Green. Nothing prepared A For THE exhilarating amusing that was foreseen, courtesy Dr. Mike Adenuga Globacom. THE speech were little And short, while THE amusing was long And packed up. From THE entertaining saxophonist Yémi Sax dishes out soft tunes Since THE cocktail segment has THE engaging faucet dancers performance on THE scene, THE evening was packed up complete of entertainment. Comedians Arinzé Baba And Gordon were Also on ground has ensure people laughed their hearts outside.

THE evening was Also capped with musical performances Since THE duo of Glo ambassadors, Chike And Asake. Chike resonated GOOD with THE guests as he sang sound “Osondi Owendi "If You No love", among other Songs while Asake particularly impressed her Fans with a few of her miscellaneous popular Songs such as “Amapiano”, “Roju”, "Sungba", “Joha” And her signature anthem, “Lonely”.

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Glo civil servants do short And accurate presentations has enlighten THE the company projections In THE immediate future And Also revealed It is freshly struck television advertising has give expression has THE the company new communication direction.

Earlier that day, THE business detained A press conference has emphasize It is 20 years success stories In THE country telecommunications sector. SO, THE evening event partially served as A AVERAGE has Also project In What THE business will to focus on In THE immediate future.

THE the company new communication strategy to focus, " Feed Ambition," was publicly introduced has THE event. THE campaign demonstrates from Globacom preparation And ability has provide companies And people with THE resources And services they need has together And meet difficult goals on A staff And professional level.

THE reasoning behind This East THE do that Globacom believes that When people realize their ambitions, there East sharing prosperity For THE nation has big And For It is people. THE business clearly Speak clearly It is preparation has always support THE ambitions of It is clients has enable them has reach And even exceed such target ambitions.

In her to welcome address has THE evening event, THE Executive Vice President of Globacom, mrs Bella Say, thanked Glo the subscribers, the partners, stakeholders And all those WHO to have has been with THE business each stage of THE path Since THE network spear In 2003. She explain that their contributions had largely help from Globacom success history on THE last twenty years.

Said Say: "This outstanding journey And THE Heights We have reached are all THANKS has THE visionary direction And tenacity of OUR founder And President, Doctor Mike Adénouga Jr."

She note that THE digital transformation has has been faster that What he was When Globacom begin out 20 years there is.

"What was once judge impossible East NOW THE standard. As A digital solutions supplier, We to kiss these unlimited opportunities has serve OUR clients by permanently invest In THE last tools And technology", She added.

She explain that from Globacom new communication direction concentrates more on feed And conduct ambition, while ensure success For Glo's existing And future customers.

"This event was special For a lot the reasons; A be that Globacom famous It is 20 birthday This pass August.

Were incredibly proud of This feat, which symbolizes two decades of OUR commitment has excellent service delivery, quality, innovation, And outstanding communication strategies. This outstanding journey And THE Heights We have reached are all THANKS has THE visionary direction And tenacity of OUR founder And President, Doctor Mike Adénouga Jr.

" You go accept with Me that THE current pace of digital transformation East far faster that What he was When Globacom begin. What was once judge impossible East NOW THE standard. As A digital solutions supplier, We to kiss these unlimited opportunities has serve OUR clients by permanently invest In THE last tools and technology.

This evening, We are thrilled has to unveil A new communication direction that concentrates more on feed And conduct ambition, while ensure success For OUR existing And future clients. These creative campaigns will undoubtedly inspire distinctions For OUR work hard Marketing Communications team. They deserve he, but I will to leave You In on A secret – THE creative genius piloting We And whip up most of these ideas East none other that THE great guru himself, OUR President, Doctor Mike Adénouga ...

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