How the Metaverse Will Connect the World

Check out all the Smart Security Summit on-demand sessions here.

As this is the final part of our "Building the Metaverse" series, I find it appropriate to conclude by painting a picture of what the Metaverse might look like and how it might work.

I'm not going to bore you by reintroducing the idea of ​​having an interacting avatar in a virtual world and using crypto and NFTs as a means of bidding, because I know you already know well these areas. Instead, I want to focus on the idea that the metaverse could connect people from all corners of the world in ways we never thought possible.

This will be a pretty technical post, but don't worry, I'll try to break things down as best I can.

Dimensionality and spatial computing

The metaverse will consist of several dimensions, and each of these dimensions will be filled with all kinds of content. You will have 2D web, 3D virtual worlds, 4D augmented reality (AR) and even 5D mixed reality. But what exactly do I mean by "size"?


GamesBeat Summit: Into the Metaverse 3

Join the GamesBeat community online, February 1-2, to review the results and emerging trends within the metaverse.

register here

In short, a dimension is simply a way of measuring something. So the 2D web would be anything that exists on a flat plane like a traditional website. A 3D virtual world is, well, a world that exists in three dimensions where you can move around and explore. And AR is when digital content is superimposed on the real world.

Mixed reality is a bit more complicated and it's the dimension that excites me the most. Mixed reality is when you take the real world and mix it with the virtual world to create a new hybrid reality. This is different from augmented reality because digital content can interact with the physical world.

Think of it this way, in augmented reality, you might see a virtual dog on your coffee table. But in mixed reality, this virtual dog could walk from the table, onto the floor, and then pee on your carpet (I know, gross).

The fact is that the metaverse will consist of several dimensions and each of them will offer something unique. And because of that, the metaverse will connect the world.

But before we get to that, we need to lay the groundwork for spatial computing. It is a way of representing digital information in 3D space.

As we alluded to earlier, the metaverse will consist of multiple dimensions. So for all of this to work, we need a way to represent different dimensions in 3D space. And that's exactly what spatial computing will allow us to do.

The metaverse as a global platform

Now that we've laid the groundwork, let's talk about how the metaverse can connect people around the world. The first thing to understand is that the metaverse will be a global platform.

This means that anyone, anywhere will be able to access the metaverse and interact with others. There will be no barriers to entry and everyone will be on an equal footing.

This contrasts with the traditional Internet which is made up of many different silos. For example, you have the American Internet, which is different from the Chinese Internet, which is different from the Russian Internet. The profound difference lies in the regulatory environment, censorship and data privacy. All of these factors make it very difficult for people from different parts of the world to connect with...

How the Metaverse Will Connect the World

Check out all the Smart Security Summit on-demand sessions here.

As this is the final part of our "Building the Metaverse" series, I find it appropriate to conclude by painting a picture of what the Metaverse might look like and how it might work.

I'm not going to bore you by reintroducing the idea of ​​having an interacting avatar in a virtual world and using crypto and NFTs as a means of bidding, because I know you already know well these areas. Instead, I want to focus on the idea that the metaverse could connect people from all corners of the world in ways we never thought possible.

This will be a pretty technical post, but don't worry, I'll try to break things down as best I can.

Dimensionality and spatial computing

The metaverse will consist of several dimensions, and each of these dimensions will be filled with all kinds of content. You will have 2D web, 3D virtual worlds, 4D augmented reality (AR) and even 5D mixed reality. But what exactly do I mean by "size"?


GamesBeat Summit: Into the Metaverse 3

Join the GamesBeat community online, February 1-2, to review the results and emerging trends within the metaverse.

register here

In short, a dimension is simply a way of measuring something. So the 2D web would be anything that exists on a flat plane like a traditional website. A 3D virtual world is, well, a world that exists in three dimensions where you can move around and explore. And AR is when digital content is superimposed on the real world.

Mixed reality is a bit more complicated and it's the dimension that excites me the most. Mixed reality is when you take the real world and mix it with the virtual world to create a new hybrid reality. This is different from augmented reality because digital content can interact with the physical world.

Think of it this way, in augmented reality, you might see a virtual dog on your coffee table. But in mixed reality, this virtual dog could walk from the table, onto the floor, and then pee on your carpet (I know, gross).

The fact is that the metaverse will consist of several dimensions and each of them will offer something unique. And because of that, the metaverse will connect the world.

But before we get to that, we need to lay the groundwork for spatial computing. It is a way of representing digital information in 3D space.

As we alluded to earlier, the metaverse will consist of multiple dimensions. So for all of this to work, we need a way to represent different dimensions in 3D space. And that's exactly what spatial computing will allow us to do.

The metaverse as a global platform

Now that we've laid the groundwork, let's talk about how the metaverse can connect people around the world. The first thing to understand is that the metaverse will be a global platform.

This means that anyone, anywhere will be able to access the metaverse and interact with others. There will be no barriers to entry and everyone will be on an equal footing.

This contrasts with the traditional Internet which is made up of many different silos. For example, you have the American Internet, which is different from the Chinese Internet, which is different from the Russian Internet. The profound difference lies in the regulatory environment, censorship and data privacy. All of these factors make it very difficult for people from different parts of the world to connect with...

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