Ignore propaganda, LP on the ground in the North, assures spokesperson for Nigerians

Labour Party (LP) Presidential Campaign Council (PCC) Spokesman Dr. Yunusa Tanko has advised Nigerians to ignore opposition claims that the party has no election officials in northern states.

In a statement yesterday, Tanko insisted that LP "is firmly on the ground advocating for ways and means to change the narrative with the 2023 election". He said: "Opposition gimmicks to weaken the resolve of Nigerians to vote Peter Obi and Datti Baba-Ahmed into power this year will not work.

"The attention of the Labor Party Presidential Campaign Council (LPPCC) has been drawn to yet another misleading report circulating on social media that our party has not offered agents for 90,000 polling stations in the center -north, northeast and northwest.

"We see this as yet another opposition propaganda aimed at curtailing our growing influence and misleading the electorate in an election year.

"We have volunteers all over the country who even exceed the number of agents required for each voting booth. So the issue of not being able to provide agents for 90,000 units is a complete mistake engineered by the enemies of the progress in Nigeria.

“The CINE (Independent National Electoral Commission) has granted a window of until January 20 to political parties to submit their list of agents for the elections and, as such, cannot, for the moment, worry that a political party may not be able to submit enough agents.

“The Labor Party has an Agent Recruitment and Selection Task Force headed by our Presidential Candidate, H.E. Mr. Peter Obi himself and his Deputy Chairman, Datti, the National Chairman and national secretary of the party are all members of this committee.

“LPPPC is investigating the source of this propaganda,a because we know it definitely does not come from INEC.

"We call on the Obidient family and the many supporters of our party to ignore false information and focus on collecting their PVCs (Permanent Voter Cards), which are our collective weapons to dislodge the enemies of our dear country.”

Ignore propaganda, LP on the ground in the North, assures spokesperson for Nigerians

Labour Party (LP) Presidential Campaign Council (PCC) Spokesman Dr. Yunusa Tanko has advised Nigerians to ignore opposition claims that the party has no election officials in northern states.

In a statement yesterday, Tanko insisted that LP "is firmly on the ground advocating for ways and means to change the narrative with the 2023 election". He said: "Opposition gimmicks to weaken the resolve of Nigerians to vote Peter Obi and Datti Baba-Ahmed into power this year will not work.

"The attention of the Labor Party Presidential Campaign Council (LPPCC) has been drawn to yet another misleading report circulating on social media that our party has not offered agents for 90,000 polling stations in the center -north, northeast and northwest.

"We see this as yet another opposition propaganda aimed at curtailing our growing influence and misleading the electorate in an election year.

"We have volunteers all over the country who even exceed the number of agents required for each voting booth. So the issue of not being able to provide agents for 90,000 units is a complete mistake engineered by the enemies of the progress in Nigeria.

“The CINE (Independent National Electoral Commission) has granted a window of until January 20 to political parties to submit their list of agents for the elections and, as such, cannot, for the moment, worry that a political party may not be able to submit enough agents.

“The Labor Party has an Agent Recruitment and Selection Task Force headed by our Presidential Candidate, H.E. Mr. Peter Obi himself and his Deputy Chairman, Datti, the National Chairman and national secretary of the party are all members of this committee.

“LPPPC is investigating the source of this propaganda,a because we know it definitely does not come from INEC.

"We call on the Obidient family and the many supporters of our party to ignore false information and focus on collecting their PVCs (Permanent Voter Cards), which are our collective weapons to dislodge the enemies of our dear country.”

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