Nigerian government suspends N-Power project, launches investigation

THE Nigerian government, on SATURDAY, announcement THE indefinite suspension of THE N-Power diagram.

THE scheme, initiated In 2016 by THE administration of ancient President Muhammadu Buhari below THE National Social Investment Program, aiming has accountability THE youth.

However THE program has has been praised as A of THE most impactful heirlooms of THE administration, THE holder Minister of Humanitarian Business And Poverty Relief, Betta Édu, has alleged a lot irregularities In THE diagram.

M.S. Édu, while Speaking during A interview on TVC News on SATURDAY, said THE decision has to suspend THE scheme was A result of a few identified irregularities In THE diagram.

Alleged irregularities

M.S. Edu note that while a few of THE beneficiaries are generally not find In their place of missions, others should has to have got out THE program Since 2022 but are always on THE payroll


"We must go back has look In N-Power And to understand What THE problems are SO We will basically to suspend THE program For NOW until We are do with appropriate investigation In THE use of funds In THE scheme," She said.

"We to want has know how a lot people are basically on THE program RIGHT NOW, how a lot people are of, THE Rising they are of. »

She said THE government plans has totally restructure And develop THE program.

TEXEM Announcement READ ALSO: Tinubu administration will reorganize N-Power Scheme Minister

THE minister Also said A investigation will be spear In how funds were spent Since THE beginning of THE program.

N-power Scheme

THE N-Power scheme was inaugurated by M Buhari has reduce poverty, unemployment And social insecurity among Nigerians.

He implied THE deployment of thousands of unemployed graduates has schools And other establishments has work there while THE government pay them A treatment of 30,000 naira monthly.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contributing has PRIME TIMES, You are portion has sustain A journalism of relevance And ensure he remains free And available has everything.

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TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999

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Nigerian government suspends N-Power project, launches investigation

THE Nigerian government, on SATURDAY, announcement THE indefinite suspension of THE N-Power diagram.

THE scheme, initiated In 2016 by THE administration of ancient President Muhammadu Buhari below THE National Social Investment Program, aiming has accountability THE youth.

However THE program has has been praised as A of THE most impactful heirlooms of THE administration, THE holder Minister of Humanitarian Business And Poverty Relief, Betta Édu, has alleged a lot irregularities In THE diagram.

M.S. Édu, while Speaking during A interview on TVC News on SATURDAY, said THE decision has to suspend THE scheme was A result of a few identified irregularities In THE diagram.

Alleged irregularities

M.S. Edu note that while a few of THE beneficiaries are generally not find In their place of missions, others should has to have got out THE program Since 2022 but are always on THE payroll


"We must go back has look In N-Power And to understand What THE problems are SO We will basically to suspend THE program For NOW until We are do with appropriate investigation In THE use of funds In THE scheme," She said.

"We to want has know how a lot people are basically on THE program RIGHT NOW, how a lot people are of, THE Rising they are of. »

She said THE government plans has totally restructure And develop THE program.

TEXEM Announcement READ ALSO: Tinubu administration will reorganize N-Power Scheme Minister

THE minister Also said A investigation will be spear In how funds were spent Since THE beginning of THE program.

N-power Scheme

THE N-Power scheme was inaugurated by M Buhari has reduce poverty, unemployment And social insecurity among Nigerians.

He implied THE deployment of thousands of unemployed graduates has schools And other establishments has work there while THE government pay them A treatment of 30,000 naira monthly.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contributing has PRIME TIMES, You are portion has sustain A journalism of relevance And ensure he remains free And available has everything.

Kogi AD Make a donation [embedded content]

TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999

PT Mag advertising campaign

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