A budget speech given In THE Western Home of Assembly, Ibadan, on 22 March, 1955.

From 1952, on 400 upper education Scholarships to have has been reward by government, not has mention about 250 additional price do by THE Western Region Production Development Advice. Quite 600 secondary school Scholarships to have has been assigned. There were less that A dozen Secondary Modern Schools In January 1952; NOW there are 300, with 300 more classroom has be built In THE course of This year. Secondary schools to have increase Since 46 has 74 Since 1952. THE Free Universal Primary Education, which was THE pet dream of This Government, East NOW A reality And East In complete swing. A Scheme For adult education designed has to wipe out illiteracy In three years will be spear In THE course of following year. Four hospitals And two rural health centers to have has been completed Since 1952, And Seven other hospitals are In process of erection. THE majority of OUR children NOW appreciate, Or has less to have to access has THE enjoyment of, free medical treatment.

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Enumeration diagrams which We to have accomplished Since 1952 Or which are In process of accomplishment can be multiplied. But I think he East enough For Me just NOW has add that on high of these And other beneficial diagrams spear by This government inside three years, We to have, by judicious financial management, successful In building up Since OUR ordinary income alone A reserve of £2.7 million as has 31 March This year. Of This sum of £2.7 million, £0.9 million East ordinary surplus, And £1.8 East Income Equalization Funds. If We add has This THE sum of £3 million which We received Since THE Federal Government as OUR share of THE uncommitted reserves And of A bargain Since THE export duty 'On cocoa, OUR AGGREGATE surplus has 31 March This year East £5.7 million. He must be mentioned In This connection that This AGGREGATE surplus do not include THE total Rising of £786,000 which East LEFT by path of subsidies In THE hands of THE Local Government body, out of THE Capitation Tax due Since them.

Certainly THE pass three years to have has been fully packed up with historical achievements And far-reaching efforts. THE years Since 1947 has 1952 had undoubtedly not witnessed similar dazzling events. But they to have has been A period of patient preparations And A required prelude has THE great time that was has follow.

In closing This retrospective investigation, I would be as has say First of all that We Westerners to have reason has be proud of This Region as A policy unit Since It is creation In 1947 And, secondly, that, considering that When THE Action Band came has power In 1952 We were all new has THE art of modem government, We to have each justification has feel thoroughly satisfied with OUR performances And What he has happy God has enable We has accomplish SO far.' THE even principles of saving And strict adhesion has What In OUR judgement will answer For THE well-being, health And education of OUR people, which governed OUR attitude has public spent In THE pass, to have dominated THE here budget. THE substance Or essence of THE principles which I States In FEBRUARY 1952, thought not their exact formulation, East together out has paragraph 5 of THE 'Memorandum on Estimates, 1955-56’. A close study of THE proportionate arrangement of OUR income among miscellaneous services And projects as disclosed In THE Summary Spent has page 12 of THE Draft Estimates will convince anybody of This complaint.

Of OUR total spent of £12.45 million not less that 82.6 by hundred East devoted has services And projects which directly answer For THE health, education, prosperity, And general well-being of OUR people. Of This high percentage, 27.8 by hundred go has education; 10.7 by hundred has medical services, 5.4 by hundred has agriculture And ally services, 1.6 by hundred has Cooperative, Well-being, etc, 20.2 by hundred has miscellaneous items below Public Works, 4.9 by hundred has subsidies of miscellaneous kinds, such as aid grants has Local Government Authorities, recreational facilities And THE as, 0.4 by hundred has To land And City Planning, And 11.6 by hundred below Miscellaneous Head which TRUE enough to kiss A host of items of spent, but nevertheless mostly understand OUR Income Equalization Funds of £ 1,235,000, charitable subsidies, contributions has THE Sotck exchange Funds And THE Local Governments, And training course And exams:

I adventure has say that This percentage can't easily be beaten. Especially as THE remaining 17.4 by hundred East spent, with irreducible economy, on strictly essential services' as THE Legislature, THE Ministries, Courts of Justice, Administration And Executive.




A budget speech given In THE Western Home of Assembly, Ibadan, on 22 March, 1955.

From 1952, on 400 upper education Scholarships to have has been reward by government, not has mention about 250 additional price do by THE Western Region Production Development Advice. Quite 600 secondary school Scholarships to have has been assigned. There were less that A dozen Secondary Modern Schools In January 1952; NOW there are 300, with 300 more classroom has be built In THE course of This year. Secondary schools to have increase Since 46 has 74 Since 1952. THE Free Universal Primary Education, which was THE pet dream of This Government, East NOW A reality And East In complete swing. A Scheme For adult education designed has to wipe out illiteracy In three years will be spear In THE course of following year. Four hospitals And two rural health centers to have has been completed Since 1952, And Seven other hospitals are In process of erection. THE majority of OUR children NOW appreciate, Or has less to have to access has THE enjoyment of, free medical treatment.

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Enumeration diagrams which We to have accomplished Since 1952 Or which are In process of accomplishment can be multiplied. But I think he East enough For Me just NOW has add that on high of these And other beneficial diagrams spear by This government inside three years, We to have, by judicious financial management, successful In building up Since OUR ordinary income alone A reserve of £2.7 million as has 31 March This year. Of This sum of £2.7 million, £0.9 million East ordinary surplus, And £1.8 East Income Equalization Funds. If We add has This THE sum of £3 million which We received Since THE Federal Government as OUR share of THE uncommitted reserves And of A bargain Since THE export duty 'On cocoa, OUR AGGREGATE surplus has 31 March This year East £5.7 million. He must be mentioned In This connection that This AGGREGATE surplus do not include THE total Rising of £786,000 which East LEFT by path of subsidies In THE hands of THE Local Government body, out of THE Capitation Tax due Since them.

Certainly THE pass three years to have has been fully packed up with historical achievements And far-reaching efforts. THE years Since 1947 has 1952 had undoubtedly not witnessed similar dazzling events. But they to have has been A period of patient preparations And A required prelude has THE great time that was has follow.

In closing This retrospective investigation, I would be as has say First of all that We Westerners to have reason has be proud of This Region as A policy unit Since It is creation In 1947 And, secondly, that, considering that When THE Action Band came has power In 1952 We were all new has THE art of modem government, We to have each justification has feel thoroughly satisfied with OUR performances And What he has happy God has enable We has accomplish SO far.' THE even principles of saving And strict adhesion has What In OUR judgement will answer For THE well-being, health And education of OUR people, which governed OUR attitude has public spent In THE pass, to have dominated THE here budget. THE substance Or essence of THE principles which I States In FEBRUARY 1952, thought not their exact formulation, East together out has paragraph 5 of THE 'Memorandum on Estimates, 1955-56’. A close study of THE proportionate arrangement of OUR income among miscellaneous services And projects as disclosed In THE Summary Spent has page 12 of THE Draft Estimates will convince anybody of This complaint.

Of OUR total spent of £12.45 million not less that 82.6 by hundred East devoted has services And projects which directly answer For THE health, education, prosperity, And general well-being of OUR people. Of This high percentage, 27.8 by hundred go has education; 10.7 by hundred has medical services, 5.4 by hundred has agriculture And ally services, 1.6 by hundred has Cooperative, Well-being, etc, 20.2 by hundred has miscellaneous items below Public Works, 4.9 by hundred has subsidies of miscellaneous kinds, such as aid grants has Local Government Authorities, recreational facilities And THE as, 0.4 by hundred has To land And City Planning, And 11.6 by hundred below Miscellaneous Head which TRUE enough to kiss A host of items of spent, but nevertheless mostly understand OUR Income Equalization Funds of £ 1,235,000, charitable subsidies, contributions has THE Sotck exchange Funds And THE Local Governments, And training course And exams:

I adventure has say that This percentage can't easily be beaten. Especially as THE remaining 17.4 by hundred East spent, with irreducible economy, on strictly essential services' as THE Legislature, THE Ministries, Courts of Justice, Administration And Executive.


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