Things that will not improve while the 1999 Constitution is in force, by NINAS

As presidential candidates from all three frontline political parties in Nigeria's 'election 2023' continue their global tours, reports are circulating in the media space of the miracles each candidate will perform if they emerge President of Nigeria of these elections which are announced under the 1999 Constitution.

The purpose of this general response from the NINAS secretariat is to respond to some of the demands of these political parties (PDP, APC and LP) and their candidates, and to explain to their supporters, promoters and the general public Nigeria that the 1999 Constitution is a guarantee that most of these promises will not be kept and most of the expectations will not be met. This reply will also serve to illuminate the reasoning behind NINAS' constitutional force majeure proposal that the announced 2023 elections be suspended.

ElectricitySOMEONE should explain to all presidential candidates in the 2023 Nigerian elections that the potential for electricity generation and transmission is completely blocked by the exclusive list of the 1999 Constitution.

As long as this Constitution is in effect, anything a new president will do will be marginal to what will happen if this constitutional lock-in is dismantled, because then all available capacity will be freed up to produce and transmit electricity.

The ignoramuses who will cite the concurrent list in the 1999 Constitution as creating a window of participation for states should carry their dishonesty elsewhere until they provide an answer to the question of why, in a federation, the federal government would have the overriding powers vested in the provisions of this Constitution, even on the so-called "concurrent list".

The solution to electricity is to remove the obstacle called the 1999 Constitution.

SafetyAs with electricity, so with safety. Owners of Nigeria locked in the possibilities and potential of security infrastructure with the exclusive 68-item list of the 1999 Constitution, which confiscated all powers over arms, ammunition, police and all armed security services to the illicit "federal government". As long as the 1999 Constitution is in force, any effort to improve security in Nigeria will remain the self-delusion that it has been for decades. The blood cost will continue to increase exponentially until those who imposed this Constitution complete their attack of murderous conquest, which is currently in full swing, while distracting the rest of us with the 2023 election. Ask the people of Plateau State or South Kaduna if in doubt. . The solution to security in Nigeria is to remove the albatross called the 1999 Constitution.

Wide BriberyTHE 1999 Constitution expressly creates massive avenues for colossal bribery and broadly protects beneficiaries of grand bribery through the blanket immunity provision. Section 6(6c) of this Constitution releases the government from all responsibilities to citizens, including safety and welfare. This same provision deprives the "citizens" (the population really as there are no citizens of Nigeria except we twist the meaning of citizenship to fit our degraded union) of their rights in the social contract that we let's call the Constitution while the political merchants have it all for themselves. Sections 81 and 82 of the 1999 Constitution vest the spare keys to the treasury of the federation to the President of Nigeria, while Sections 121 and 122 vest the keys to the state treasury to the governors. Section 308 of the 1999 Constitution grants absolute immunity to the president and governors for any atrocities they choose to commit while in office, including reckless plunder of the treasury. This Constitution's exclusive 68-point list also centralizes control over most resources and powers in a way that only breeds unimaginable inefficiency, mind-boggling corruption, and incredible impunity. Anyone who suggests he will fight corruption in Nigeria while the 1999 Constitution is in force is either criminally ignorant or hopelessly dishonest.

The solution to corruption and impunity in Nigeria is to bring down the 1999 Constitution. Anything less is a cruel joke and self-deception.

Refineries and Petroleum ProductsNigeria's oil refining capacity is completely locked in by the exclusive list of the 1999 Constitution, which domiciles refineries to the illicit “federal government” of the now defunct Federation of Nigeria. As long as this 1999 Constitution remains in force, no improvement will be made to the availability of petroleum products. The subsidy regime which currently gobbles up over 6 trillion naira a year (mostly for the service of corruption) will remain and petroleum products will continue to be imported at prevailing international prices; the monumental pre...

Things that will not improve while the 1999 Constitution is in force, by NINAS

As presidential candidates from all three frontline political parties in Nigeria's 'election 2023' continue their global tours, reports are circulating in the media space of the miracles each candidate will perform if they emerge President of Nigeria of these elections which are announced under the 1999 Constitution.

The purpose of this general response from the NINAS secretariat is to respond to some of the demands of these political parties (PDP, APC and LP) and their candidates, and to explain to their supporters, promoters and the general public Nigeria that the 1999 Constitution is a guarantee that most of these promises will not be kept and most of the expectations will not be met. This reply will also serve to illuminate the reasoning behind NINAS' constitutional force majeure proposal that the announced 2023 elections be suspended.

ElectricitySOMEONE should explain to all presidential candidates in the 2023 Nigerian elections that the potential for electricity generation and transmission is completely blocked by the exclusive list of the 1999 Constitution.

As long as this Constitution is in effect, anything a new president will do will be marginal to what will happen if this constitutional lock-in is dismantled, because then all available capacity will be freed up to produce and transmit electricity.

The ignoramuses who will cite the concurrent list in the 1999 Constitution as creating a window of participation for states should carry their dishonesty elsewhere until they provide an answer to the question of why, in a federation, the federal government would have the overriding powers vested in the provisions of this Constitution, even on the so-called "concurrent list".

The solution to electricity is to remove the obstacle called the 1999 Constitution.

SafetyAs with electricity, so with safety. Owners of Nigeria locked in the possibilities and potential of security infrastructure with the exclusive 68-item list of the 1999 Constitution, which confiscated all powers over arms, ammunition, police and all armed security services to the illicit "federal government". As long as the 1999 Constitution is in force, any effort to improve security in Nigeria will remain the self-delusion that it has been for decades. The blood cost will continue to increase exponentially until those who imposed this Constitution complete their attack of murderous conquest, which is currently in full swing, while distracting the rest of us with the 2023 election. Ask the people of Plateau State or South Kaduna if in doubt. . The solution to security in Nigeria is to remove the albatross called the 1999 Constitution.

Wide BriberyTHE 1999 Constitution expressly creates massive avenues for colossal bribery and broadly protects beneficiaries of grand bribery through the blanket immunity provision. Section 6(6c) of this Constitution releases the government from all responsibilities to citizens, including safety and welfare. This same provision deprives the "citizens" (the population really as there are no citizens of Nigeria except we twist the meaning of citizenship to fit our degraded union) of their rights in the social contract that we let's call the Constitution while the political merchants have it all for themselves. Sections 81 and 82 of the 1999 Constitution vest the spare keys to the treasury of the federation to the President of Nigeria, while Sections 121 and 122 vest the keys to the state treasury to the governors. Section 308 of the 1999 Constitution grants absolute immunity to the president and governors for any atrocities they choose to commit while in office, including reckless plunder of the treasury. This Constitution's exclusive 68-point list also centralizes control over most resources and powers in a way that only breeds unimaginable inefficiency, mind-boggling corruption, and incredible impunity. Anyone who suggests he will fight corruption in Nigeria while the 1999 Constitution is in force is either criminally ignorant or hopelessly dishonest.

The solution to corruption and impunity in Nigeria is to bring down the 1999 Constitution. Anything less is a cruel joke and self-deception.

Refineries and Petroleum ProductsNigeria's oil refining capacity is completely locked in by the exclusive list of the 1999 Constitution, which domiciles refineries to the illicit “federal government” of the now defunct Federation of Nigeria. As long as this 1999 Constitution remains in force, no improvement will be made to the availability of petroleum products. The subsidy regime which currently gobbles up over 6 trillion naira a year (mostly for the service of corruption) will remain and petroleum products will continue to be imported at prevailing international prices; the monumental pre...

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