Tinubu's big bets on gas

THREE distinct events In THE course of last week all indicate has THE unmistakable direction of THE Tinubu administration In putting Nigeria on A farm And sustainable energy path. First of all was THE order that government ministries And agencies must to prioritize Vehicles powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) In their supply. THE second was THE commissioning by THE President of three important gas projects through A virtual ceremony on Wednesday. THE third In chronology was THE announcement of THE mass deployment of 530 CNG powered the buses at national scale follow up by A comforting inspection tour by A Federal Government team has A business socket THE lead In arrangement of CNG Vehicles In Nigeria. We take them A has time. HAS THE Federal Executive Advice meeting on Monday A bold decision of THE government has cease purchase of gasoline Vehicles was announcement. He was A move defended by No other person that President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu himself. In considering A advice note For THE propose purchase of 200 Toyota To land Cruiser Vehicles For to use by THE Nigerian Customs Service, THE President do A skillful move by writing In her vision For Nigeria energy future In THE prey. HAS THE END THE advice agreed that he should be A policy that From now on government money should not be used has purchase gasoline only vehicles.

THE policy has far-reaching implications. With 209.5 thousand billion cubic feet of proven gas reserve, Nigeria ranks 9th In THE world among rich in gas countries. Again, THE country East always far far Since complete use of This abundant natural Resource For both domestic to use And export. From her future, President Tinubu has watch her ardor has change THE Nigeria energy history using THE potential of OUR gas deposits. In conduct THE indicate has members of her cupboard, THE President note that Nigeria "will not progress if We continue has dance on THE even place. We to have THE will has to drive THE Implementation of CNG adoption through THE country, And We must together THE example as public civil servants leading THE path has that prosperous future that We are functioning has reach For OUR people. He departures with We, And seeing that We are serious Nigerians will follow OUR lead." As if he were A foreseen following has that powerful statement, two days later, THE President spear three projecting gas projects with collective ability has generate $500 million For Nigeria In THE following ten years. THE three milestone projects were THE extended THE H Gas Treatment Factory; THE ANOH Gas Treatment Factory, And THE 23.3km ANOH has Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben (OB3) Jail Transfer Measure Station Gas Pipeline. Speaking during THE virtual inauguration of THE projects has THE State Home, President Tinubu insured citizens that her administration East take a step up It is coordination of other landmark projects And initiatives that will ensure THE the earlier realization of gas powered prosperity For Nigeria.

THE president note that THE projects are fully In double with THE Decade of Gas Initiative And her Governments vision has to grow value Since THE the nation abundant gas assets while at the same time eliminate gas flaring And accelerate industrialization. "This event East very significant has OUR country as he demonstrates THE administration concerted efforts has accelerate THE development of critical gas Infrastructure oriented has significantly improve THE provide of energy has booster industrial growth And create job opportunities. He East pleasant that When these projects become fully operational, approximately 500MMscf of gas In AGGREGATE will be provided has THE domestic walk Since these two gas treatment plants, which represented on 25 by hundred incremental growth In gas provide," THE President said In her Remarks. THE new projects are destined has bolster more gas has THE electricity production sector, gas based Industries, And other critical segments of THE economy which would be build In THE Governments offer has leverage THE the nation vast gas ability has to drive economic growth. THE president was, as expected complete of praise For THE NNPC Ltd. below THE workaholic GCEO, Malam Melee Kyari, And It is the partners For take into account has THE bugle call has ramp up efforts has accelerate investment And developments of projects In THE gas sector on A win-win base.

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For President Tinubu THE goals are clear: THE government East ready has partner private sector In deepening domestic gas use, increase national power generation ability, revitalize Industries, And create several job opportunities For economic growth. HAS another part of THE country on THE even day, excited transportation sector stakeholders were taken through THE Governments agenda For CNG Vehicles And THE torrent of incentives target has investors In THE ...

Tinubu's big bets on gas

THREE distinct events In THE course of last week all indicate has THE unmistakable direction of THE Tinubu administration In putting Nigeria on A farm And sustainable energy path. First of all was THE order that government ministries And agencies must to prioritize Vehicles powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) In their supply. THE second was THE commissioning by THE President of three important gas projects through A virtual ceremony on Wednesday. THE third In chronology was THE announcement of THE mass deployment of 530 CNG powered the buses at national scale follow up by A comforting inspection tour by A Federal Government team has A business socket THE lead In arrangement of CNG Vehicles In Nigeria. We take them A has time. HAS THE Federal Executive Advice meeting on Monday A bold decision of THE government has cease purchase of gasoline Vehicles was announcement. He was A move defended by No other person that President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu himself. In considering A advice note For THE propose purchase of 200 Toyota To land Cruiser Vehicles For to use by THE Nigerian Customs Service, THE President do A skillful move by writing In her vision For Nigeria energy future In THE prey. HAS THE END THE advice agreed that he should be A policy that From now on government money should not be used has purchase gasoline only vehicles.

THE policy has far-reaching implications. With 209.5 thousand billion cubic feet of proven gas reserve, Nigeria ranks 9th In THE world among rich in gas countries. Again, THE country East always far far Since complete use of This abundant natural Resource For both domestic to use And export. From her future, President Tinubu has watch her ardor has change THE Nigeria energy history using THE potential of OUR gas deposits. In conduct THE indicate has members of her cupboard, THE President note that Nigeria "will not progress if We continue has dance on THE even place. We to have THE will has to drive THE Implementation of CNG adoption through THE country, And We must together THE example as public civil servants leading THE path has that prosperous future that We are functioning has reach For OUR people. He departures with We, And seeing that We are serious Nigerians will follow OUR lead." As if he were A foreseen following has that powerful statement, two days later, THE President spear three projecting gas projects with collective ability has generate $500 million For Nigeria In THE following ten years. THE three milestone projects were THE extended THE H Gas Treatment Factory; THE ANOH Gas Treatment Factory, And THE 23.3km ANOH has Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben (OB3) Jail Transfer Measure Station Gas Pipeline. Speaking during THE virtual inauguration of THE projects has THE State Home, President Tinubu insured citizens that her administration East take a step up It is coordination of other landmark projects And initiatives that will ensure THE the earlier realization of gas powered prosperity For Nigeria.

THE president note that THE projects are fully In double with THE Decade of Gas Initiative And her Governments vision has to grow value Since THE the nation abundant gas assets while at the same time eliminate gas flaring And accelerate industrialization. "This event East very significant has OUR country as he demonstrates THE administration concerted efforts has accelerate THE development of critical gas Infrastructure oriented has significantly improve THE provide of energy has booster industrial growth And create job opportunities. He East pleasant that When these projects become fully operational, approximately 500MMscf of gas In AGGREGATE will be provided has THE domestic walk Since these two gas treatment plants, which represented on 25 by hundred incremental growth In gas provide," THE President said In her Remarks. THE new projects are destined has bolster more gas has THE electricity production sector, gas based Industries, And other critical segments of THE economy which would be build In THE Governments offer has leverage THE the nation vast gas ability has to drive economic growth. THE president was, as expected complete of praise For THE NNPC Ltd. below THE workaholic GCEO, Malam Melee Kyari, And It is the partners For take into account has THE bugle call has ramp up efforts has accelerate investment And developments of projects In THE gas sector on A win-win base.

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For President Tinubu THE goals are clear: THE government East ready has partner private sector In deepening domestic gas use, increase national power generation ability, revitalize Industries, And create several job opportunities For economic growth. HAS another part of THE country on THE even day, excited transportation sector stakeholders were taken through THE Governments agenda For CNG Vehicles And THE torrent of incentives target has investors In THE ...

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