Weekly Political Notes

No 'Buga' for the PDPThe main opposition People's Democratic Party (PDP) dropped all claims that all was not well with the party, when the Board of Directors (BOT) passed in troubleshooting mode.

Although the PDP BOT led by Senator Walid Jibrin met behind closed doors, the lyrics to Jimmy Cliff's iconic song, "You can't be right and wrong no matter how hard you try," tended to come from the closed room. . The problem, which the BOT was determined to solve, was not limited to the fallout from the choice of its running mate, Governor Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa of Delta State. The unrest preceded the party's special convention and presidential primary, where former vice president Alhaji Atiku Abubakar became its standard bearer. From what transpired at the secret stakeholder meeting, it is evident that PDP seems to be at a dead end: where would it start to solve the multi-dimensional challenges? While the main troubling irritation within the PDP seems to revolve around the relationship between presidential candidate Atiku and South-South Governor-General Ezenwo Nyesom Wike, the roots run deeper. Before the national party convention, which was hastily held to end the term of Prince Uche Secondus, there was an agreement. The party leaders agreed that based on the consensus choice of Senator Iyorchia Ayu, the fact that the presidential ticket should be open, Ayu should pledge to resign instantly in case the presidential candidate emerges from the north.

This understanding avoided the contentious issue of presidential niche zoning. But, after emerging as a presidential candidate, Atiku made another fanciful argument that it was too early in the day to impeach the national president until the election was won and lost. As the dispute over Ayu's propriety to keep his post raged, Wazirin Adamawa authorized the establishment of a committee to help select a suitable presidential running mate to complete his ticket. Ultimately, while most party loyalists expected a repeat of a similar scenario in 1992, when he (Atiku) contested the Social Democratic Party (SDP) presidential ticket, where the one of the finalists was chosen, Atiku came out of the box of presidential hopefuls to choose Okowa. Wike, the first choice and Udom Emmanuel, the second runner-up, were ruled out. And the second palaver began. Since then, it does not appear that the PDP would Buga as the elections approach. Osho Baba's return to power The All Progressives Congress (APC) unveiled its presidential campaign by unveiling the Northern Governors Forum Chairman, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong as its managing director. However, it appears that former APC National President Comrade Adams Oshiomhole is believed to be supporting Lalong. Prospects of joining Asiwaju Bola Tinubu's presidential campaign have the former governor of Edo State excited.

The sparkle on his face when he appeared on the Arise Television show left many wondering if the inspiration and excitement came from the promised inclusion on the campaign team or some other substance. . From his days as president of the National Assembly of the Plateau, Lalong is not known to be a talker or an intimidating character. APC National Chairman Senator Abdullahi Adamu told State House Correspondents when the team leaders met President Buhari at the Presidential Villa that the Minister of State for Labor and Jobs, Festus Keyamo, was to serve as acting spokesperson, while Mallama Hannatu Musawa is the deputy spokesperson. According to Senator Adamu, “We are here to see Mr. President to brief him and get his approval of the plans for our campaign attire. And once we have his approval, we intend to make a major disclosure. We are on the same page with the presidential candidate and the individuals, who will play various roles in the campaign. The CEO of the campaign is Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State. According to the revelation of the national president of the APC, the party seems to have problems of balance, especially since the same ticket of religious president shared by Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and the senator Kashim Shettima continues to trouble the party in the power. If Oshiomhole expects to be the substantive spokesperson, his repeat on the Arise Television interview left the impression that the party would be looking even further to ensure its campaign message contains no more vitriol than persuasive speech. Resurrecting the post-2015 lines of the responsibility and blame game, Oshiomhole said, "Tinubu should not be blamed for Buhari's performance, he never participated in governance at any level of federal government. current. "It would be unfair to anyone...

Weekly Political Notes

No 'Buga' for the PDPThe main opposition People's Democratic Party (PDP) dropped all claims that all was not well with the party, when the Board of Directors (BOT) passed in troubleshooting mode.

Although the PDP BOT led by Senator Walid Jibrin met behind closed doors, the lyrics to Jimmy Cliff's iconic song, "You can't be right and wrong no matter how hard you try," tended to come from the closed room. . The problem, which the BOT was determined to solve, was not limited to the fallout from the choice of its running mate, Governor Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa of Delta State. The unrest preceded the party's special convention and presidential primary, where former vice president Alhaji Atiku Abubakar became its standard bearer. From what transpired at the secret stakeholder meeting, it is evident that PDP seems to be at a dead end: where would it start to solve the multi-dimensional challenges? While the main troubling irritation within the PDP seems to revolve around the relationship between presidential candidate Atiku and South-South Governor-General Ezenwo Nyesom Wike, the roots run deeper. Before the national party convention, which was hastily held to end the term of Prince Uche Secondus, there was an agreement. The party leaders agreed that based on the consensus choice of Senator Iyorchia Ayu, the fact that the presidential ticket should be open, Ayu should pledge to resign instantly in case the presidential candidate emerges from the north.

This understanding avoided the contentious issue of presidential niche zoning. But, after emerging as a presidential candidate, Atiku made another fanciful argument that it was too early in the day to impeach the national president until the election was won and lost. As the dispute over Ayu's propriety to keep his post raged, Wazirin Adamawa authorized the establishment of a committee to help select a suitable presidential running mate to complete his ticket. Ultimately, while most party loyalists expected a repeat of a similar scenario in 1992, when he (Atiku) contested the Social Democratic Party (SDP) presidential ticket, where the one of the finalists was chosen, Atiku came out of the box of presidential hopefuls to choose Okowa. Wike, the first choice and Udom Emmanuel, the second runner-up, were ruled out. And the second palaver began. Since then, it does not appear that the PDP would Buga as the elections approach. Osho Baba's return to power The All Progressives Congress (APC) unveiled its presidential campaign by unveiling the Northern Governors Forum Chairman, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong as its managing director. However, it appears that former APC National President Comrade Adams Oshiomhole is believed to be supporting Lalong. Prospects of joining Asiwaju Bola Tinubu's presidential campaign have the former governor of Edo State excited.

The sparkle on his face when he appeared on the Arise Television show left many wondering if the inspiration and excitement came from the promised inclusion on the campaign team or some other substance. . From his days as president of the National Assembly of the Plateau, Lalong is not known to be a talker or an intimidating character. APC National Chairman Senator Abdullahi Adamu told State House Correspondents when the team leaders met President Buhari at the Presidential Villa that the Minister of State for Labor and Jobs, Festus Keyamo, was to serve as acting spokesperson, while Mallama Hannatu Musawa is the deputy spokesperson. According to Senator Adamu, “We are here to see Mr. President to brief him and get his approval of the plans for our campaign attire. And once we have his approval, we intend to make a major disclosure. We are on the same page with the presidential candidate and the individuals, who will play various roles in the campaign. The CEO of the campaign is Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State. According to the revelation of the national president of the APC, the party seems to have problems of balance, especially since the same ticket of religious president shared by Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and the senator Kashim Shettima continues to trouble the party in the power. If Oshiomhole expects to be the substantive spokesperson, his repeat on the Arise Television interview left the impression that the party would be looking even further to ensure its campaign message contains no more vitriol than persuasive speech. Resurrecting the post-2015 lines of the responsibility and blame game, Oshiomhole said, "Tinubu should not be blamed for Buhari's performance, he never participated in governance at any level of federal government. current. "It would be unfair to anyone...

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