Nine relationship tips to spark chemistry with a good man

Relationship tips to boost chemistry with a good man

Do nice guys end up last in your love life?

Have you ever wondered how to create chemistry with a good man? Well, you are not alone. Here is an email I recently received from Rachel:

"Dr. Diana, I'm really ready for a real relationship. With a nice guy. A good guy. I'm sick of my bad choices! I just found out that Bob, who I dated six years ago and who was crazy about me, the guy who wanted a serious relationship with me - but I gave married and has two adorable toddlers."

We'll meet Rachel later. Maybe like Rachel, you're done with gamblers, come-and-goes, cheaters, and all-around heartbreakers. You are tired of being disappointed, hurt, betrayed, angry and depressed. Tired of lying on the couch with the remote and your laptop while you browse through a whole box of tissues worth tears. Your mind tells you that choosing from a group of nice guys will save you from wasting more time with men who don't like you. Or villains who betray you or narcissists who blame you for all the problems. You are ready for a partner who is your best friend. But there's a catch: You just don't feel it with nice guys. No tingling. No adrenaline rush when he looks you in the eye. You wonder: how do you create chemistry with the one guy you've met online, the pot-bellied one? He's a great guy, successful, giving, crazy about you and even has beautiful eyes, you think. But you don't feel like he's the right one and even worse, you don't know how to create chemistry with these nice guys. Are you doomed to only be attracted to those you can't have?

Answer: No, you are not. I've worked with many women who complained about the same dilemma: how do you create chemistry with a good man? And where are they now? They married great guys. So what are the secrets these women used to nurture committed relationships with great guys, good men with integrity and loyalty.


So here are nine relationship tips my Love Mentors® share with their clients. Please use them to join the ranks of women who have overcome their initial lack of attraction, learned to create chemistry, and fallen in love with great guys.

#1. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Don't forget to give it a real shot.

Even if he's bald, pot-bellied, nerdy, or not particularly attractive. In fact, you want to date the guy. Be honest with yourself: has dating your guy got you anywhere? Even if the first date doesn't wow you, remember to stay open. Go for at least a second or third date. You can't find out what secret goodies are hidden in someone's house by a meeting. It is therefore necessary to let a potential partner reveal themselves and show you their different facets. If there is any connection to this person, give them another chance.

#2. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Practice my openness exercises now (OPEN.)

If a guy seems crazy about you, is ready to grow up and is a good guy, use my OPEN techniques to see what may be there. First, think of it as a gift wrapped in nested boxes. As you interact, you unwrap the gift and discover more and more things about it that can be wonderful. This process often leads to wonderful chemistry and connection!

#3. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Go on exciting, new dates and get your adrenaline pumping.

New and exciting experiences can trigger chemistry. Ride a roller coaster at the amusement park, go rock climbing in its gym, take a ride in a helicopter, try hiking on a winding path or windsurfing, do a frantic race to admire the sunset on the beach, scream you silly at a football game or the racetrack. Studies show that people who are emotionally turned on, whether through joy, fear, or any other feeling, fall in love more easily. As two love researchers have written, "Adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder."

#4. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Use affirmations before every appointment.

I have fun with this man. I see the possibilities hidden in (his name). This man is a gift for my pleasure. Over time, I will learn more about him. I discover and appreciate the marvelous aspects of this man. I turn on chemistry with (his name).


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Nine relationship tips to spark chemistry with a good man

Relationship tips to boost chemistry with a good man

Do nice guys end up last in your love life?

Have you ever wondered how to create chemistry with a good man? Well, you are not alone. Here is an email I recently received from Rachel:

"Dr. Diana, I'm really ready for a real relationship. With a nice guy. A good guy. I'm sick of my bad choices! I just found out that Bob, who I dated six years ago and who was crazy about me, the guy who wanted a serious relationship with me - but I gave married and has two adorable toddlers."

We'll meet Rachel later. Maybe like Rachel, you're done with gamblers, come-and-goes, cheaters, and all-around heartbreakers. You are tired of being disappointed, hurt, betrayed, angry and depressed. Tired of lying on the couch with the remote and your laptop while you browse through a whole box of tissues worth tears. Your mind tells you that choosing from a group of nice guys will save you from wasting more time with men who don't like you. Or villains who betray you or narcissists who blame you for all the problems. You are ready for a partner who is your best friend. But there's a catch: You just don't feel it with nice guys. No tingling. No adrenaline rush when he looks you in the eye. You wonder: how do you create chemistry with the one guy you've met online, the pot-bellied one? He's a great guy, successful, giving, crazy about you and even has beautiful eyes, you think. But you don't feel like he's the right one and even worse, you don't know how to create chemistry with these nice guys. Are you doomed to only be attracted to those you can't have?

Answer: No, you are not. I've worked with many women who complained about the same dilemma: how do you create chemistry with a good man? And where are they now? They married great guys. So what are the secrets these women used to nurture committed relationships with great guys, good men with integrity and loyalty.


So here are nine relationship tips my Love Mentors® share with their clients. Please use them to join the ranks of women who have overcome their initial lack of attraction, learned to create chemistry, and fallen in love with great guys.

#1. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Don't forget to give it a real shot.

Even if he's bald, pot-bellied, nerdy, or not particularly attractive. In fact, you want to date the guy. Be honest with yourself: has dating your guy got you anywhere? Even if the first date doesn't wow you, remember to stay open. Go for at least a second or third date. You can't find out what secret goodies are hidden in someone's house by a meeting. It is therefore necessary to let a potential partner reveal themselves and show you their different facets. If there is any connection to this person, give them another chance.

#2. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Practice my openness exercises now (OPEN.)

If a guy seems crazy about you, is ready to grow up and is a good guy, use my OPEN techniques to see what may be there. First, think of it as a gift wrapped in nested boxes. As you interact, you unwrap the gift and discover more and more things about it that can be wonderful. This process often leads to wonderful chemistry and connection!

#3. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Go on exciting, new dates and get your adrenaline pumping.

New and exciting experiences can trigger chemistry. Ride a roller coaster at the amusement park, go rock climbing in its gym, take a ride in a helicopter, try hiking on a winding path or windsurfing, do a frantic race to admire the sunset on the beach, scream you silly at a football game or the racetrack. Studies show that people who are emotionally turned on, whether through joy, fear, or any other feeling, fall in love more easily. As two love researchers have written, "Adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder."

#4. Tip for Spark Chemistry: Use affirmations before every appointment.

I have fun with this man. I see the possibilities hidden in (his name). This man is a gift for my pleasure. Over time, I will learn more about him. I discover and appreciate the marvelous aspects of this man. I turn on chemistry with (his name).


#5. Point ...

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