Podcast Ep. 275: You don't have to be friends with your exes

Tags: friends with an ex, getting over a breakup, having boundaries with friends, getting over a breakup

A lot of us put pressure on ourselves to try to be friends with an ex. And, yes, sometimes we pressure our ex to try to be friends with us. In this week's episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions, I discuss why forcing ourselves or others to be friends after a breakup is dishonest, harmful to our well-being, and can even impact our availability for relationships. later.

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5 key topics in this episode Being friends with an ex because it's a real friendship is great. Being friends with an ex because we have a hidden agenda of secretly auditioning for our old role in the hopes that they'll see how fabulous we are and regret breaking up, not so great. When we say yes to being friends with our ex because we are afraid of what will happen if and when we say no, we are committing to the pain. We fear incurring their wrath, judgment, or even being judged by others. An inauthentic yes leads to far more problems than if we had said no in the first place. Friendship is a relationship between friends. Friends don't try to screw you, screw with your head or screw you. And once you cross the threshold of friendship in romance, it takes distance and healthy boundaries before a friendship can be restored, if at all. We don't need to turn every romantic relationship into a friendship to justify investing in ourselves. It is a sunk cost. Dating or being in a relationship was what it took to get involved. The ship sailed. We need to stop trying to get "return on investment". Were you friends before falling in love? Even though you were friends, did you (or did they) have romantic feelings? If you weren't friends before you fell in love, were you true friends as well as lovers? Be honest about whether you are or were really friends. Mentioned Links + Recommended Resources

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Podcast Ep. 275: You don't have to be friends with your exes
Tags: friends with an ex, getting over a breakup, having boundaries with friends, getting over a breakup

A lot of us put pressure on ourselves to try to be friends with an ex. And, yes, sometimes we pressure our ex to try to be friends with us. In this week's episode of The Baggage Reclaim Sessions, I discuss why forcing ourselves or others to be friends after a breakup is dishonest, harmful to our well-being, and can even impact our availability for relationships. later.

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5 key topics in this episode Being friends with an ex because it's a real friendship is great. Being friends with an ex because we have a hidden agenda of secretly auditioning for our old role in the hopes that they'll see how fabulous we are and regret breaking up, not so great. When we say yes to being friends with our ex because we are afraid of what will happen if and when we say no, we are committing to the pain. We fear incurring their wrath, judgment, or even being judged by others. An inauthentic yes leads to far more problems than if we had said no in the first place. Friendship is a relationship between friends. Friends don't try to screw you, screw with your head or screw you. And once you cross the threshold of friendship in romance, it takes distance and healthy boundaries before a friendship can be restored, if at all. We don't need to turn every romantic relationship into a friendship to justify investing in ourselves. It is a sunk cost. Dating or being in a relationship was what it took to get involved. The ship sailed. We need to stop trying to get "return on investment". Were you friends before falling in love? Even though you were friends, did you (or did they) have romantic feelings? If you weren't friends before you fell in love, were you true friends as well as lovers? Be honest about whether you are or were really friends. Mentioned Links + Recommended Resources

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