Stop making boring scrambled eggs

An illustration of a delicious plate of scrambled eggs Illustration: Vicky Leta

Scrambled eggs, as a concept, are simple, but there are countless ways to modify them to manipulate their flavor and consistency. I don't claim to know them all (I just said the possibilities are endless), but I do have a few favorites that I turn to again and again - for fluffy, creamy scrambles - and I would love to share them with you now.

Nail the texture with cornstarch or cream of tartar
Image of article titled Quit Making Boring Scrambled Eggs Photo: Claire Lower

If I could give you only one tip when it comes to scrambled eggs, it would be "Add cornstarch". When mixed with a little cream to create a porridge, the common thickening agent produces the most tender, creamy, almost velvety pile of scrambled eggs. They're so rich they almost taste like cheese, or maybe like they've been slow-cooked for a long time on very low heat, only they come together in just a few minutes, instead of three-quarters of an hour. time.

If you want fluffy eggs, replace the starch with cream of tartar. Cream of tartar is known for its ability to stabilize the whipped structure of noble meringues and stacks of...

Stop making boring scrambled eggs
An illustration of a delicious plate of scrambled eggs Illustration: Vicky Leta

Scrambled eggs, as a concept, are simple, but there are countless ways to modify them to manipulate their flavor and consistency. I don't claim to know them all (I just said the possibilities are endless), but I do have a few favorites that I turn to again and again - for fluffy, creamy scrambles - and I would love to share them with you now.

Nail the texture with cornstarch or cream of tartar
Image of article titled Quit Making Boring Scrambled Eggs Photo: Claire Lower

If I could give you only one tip when it comes to scrambled eggs, it would be "Add cornstarch". When mixed with a little cream to create a porridge, the common thickening agent produces the most tender, creamy, almost velvety pile of scrambled eggs. They're so rich they almost taste like cheese, or maybe like they've been slow-cooked for a long time on very low heat, only they come together in just a few minutes, instead of three-quarters of an hour. time.

If you want fluffy eggs, replace the starch with cream of tartar. Cream of tartar is known for its ability to stabilize the whipped structure of noble meringues and stacks of...

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