Russian opposition expresses disagreement with blockchain vote

In THE wake up of Vladimir Poutine landslide victory In Russia recent presidential election, which a lot to have labeled as predetermined And missing legitimacy, exile opposition chief Brand Feygin East spearhead A initiative has enable Russians has anonymously register A "demonstration vote" against Poutine using blockchain technology.

THE referendum organized by locally research man Feygin, while missing legal authority In Russia, goals has bolster efforts has challenge Poutine presidency And provide Russians with A means has express CONTESTATION In A country Or THE consequences of opposition can be severe. This East especially relevant following THE recent the death of opposition chief Alexei Navalny while detained In A Arctic criminal colony.

THE vote will be led using THE Russia2024 application, powered by that of Rarimo Freedom Tool, which used THE Arbitration blockchain And zero knowledge cryptography has ensure voters identities stay not found. Only Russian passport holders, estimated has around 34.6 million, will be eligible has participate.

HAS casting their vote, users will need has download THE Russia2024 application And check their citizenship by scanning their passports, which contain A biometric chip used has confirm THE voters identify And facilitate A anonymous vote. THE apps donors are confident In THE security of THE vote process And believe that voters need not fear repercussions.

Freedom Tool co-founder Lasha Antadze, WHO is holding passports Since Ukraine And Georgia And has previously collaborated with THE Ukrainian government on digitize State property privatization, underlines THE decentralized nature of THE vote system, declaring that he East designed has be resistant has the attacks, blocking, Or elimination.

While THE Russia2024 application was initially deleted Since THE Apple application store, he East expected has be reinstated And East Currently available on Google application store.

THE referendum come has A time When Poutine victory East expected has provide him with THE means has continue Russia war against Ukraine. Antadze stress that THE technology behind THE application East Open source And has received contributions Since anonymous cryptography professors In Russia, describing he as A form of "wartime defense technology. »

Beyond THE Russian context, Antadze believes that This technology has THE potential has guarantee authenticity And significantly reduce THE cost of related to elections vote exercises In other country as well:

We are discount out THE Open source technology has everyone. It is not only Ukrainians Or Georgians building. […] We obtained A plot of contributions through anonymous letters Since cryptography professors In Russia. It is A kind of wartime defense technology.

THE report follows A late 2023 investigation suggesting that THE FTX crypto exchange To hack can to have ties has Russia.

Russian opposition expresses disagreement with blockchain vote

In THE wake up of Vladimir Poutine landslide victory In Russia recent presidential election, which a lot to have labeled as predetermined And missing legitimacy, exile opposition chief Brand Feygin East spearhead A initiative has enable Russians has anonymously register A "demonstration vote" against Poutine using blockchain technology.

THE referendum organized by locally research man Feygin, while missing legal authority In Russia, goals has bolster efforts has challenge Poutine presidency And provide Russians with A means has express CONTESTATION In A country Or THE consequences of opposition can be severe. This East especially relevant following THE recent the death of opposition chief Alexei Navalny while detained In A Arctic criminal colony.

THE vote will be led using THE Russia2024 application, powered by that of Rarimo Freedom Tool, which used THE Arbitration blockchain And zero knowledge cryptography has ensure voters identities stay not found. Only Russian passport holders, estimated has around 34.6 million, will be eligible has participate.

HAS casting their vote, users will need has download THE Russia2024 application And check their citizenship by scanning their passports, which contain A biometric chip used has confirm THE voters identify And facilitate A anonymous vote. THE apps donors are confident In THE security of THE vote process And believe that voters need not fear repercussions.

Freedom Tool co-founder Lasha Antadze, WHO is holding passports Since Ukraine And Georgia And has previously collaborated with THE Ukrainian government on digitize State property privatization, underlines THE decentralized nature of THE vote system, declaring that he East designed has be resistant has the attacks, blocking, Or elimination.

While THE Russia2024 application was initially deleted Since THE Apple application store, he East expected has be reinstated And East Currently available on Google application store.

THE referendum come has A time When Poutine victory East expected has provide him with THE means has continue Russia war against Ukraine. Antadze stress that THE technology behind THE application East Open source And has received contributions Since anonymous cryptography professors In Russia, describing he as A form of "wartime defense technology. »

Beyond THE Russian context, Antadze believes that This technology has THE potential has guarantee authenticity And significantly reduce THE cost of related to elections vote exercises In other country as well:

We are discount out THE Open source technology has everyone. It is not only Ukrainians Or Georgians building. […] We obtained A plot of contributions through anonymous letters Since cryptography professors In Russia. It is A kind of wartime defense technology.

THE report follows A late 2023 investigation suggesting that THE FTX crypto exchange To hack can to have ties has Russia.

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