The best way to add protein to your next bowl

Image for article titled The best way to add protein to your next bowl Photo: Claire Lower

I recently got really into powerlifting, and "having enough protein" doesn't mean what it used to. I can't and won't stand a protein shake. I'm not too fond of smoothies - or any other non-Diet Coke drink - to begin with, and powders piss me off. My new motto is "you have to eat meat to make meat", but meat, by itself, is not a "good meal".


The best way to add protein to your next bowl
Image for article titled The best way to add protein to your next bowl Photo: Claire Lower

I recently got really into powerlifting, and "having enough protein" doesn't mean what it used to. I can't and won't stand a protein shake. I'm not too fond of smoothies - or any other non-Diet Coke drink - to begin with, and powders piss me off. My new motto is "you have to eat meat to make meat", but meat, by itself, is not a "good meal".


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