"The truth about the big Brexit lie is getting painful for the Leavers"

The reality of Brexit is starting to hit us all - and even those who voted to leave the EU are getting angry

Do you still have any signs of the £350million a week for the NHS, Boris? No sign of the £350m-a-week NHS, Boris? (

Image: Getty Images)

It seems only yesterday that half of this country was crying out for freedom.

Every night our TVs showed angry talking heads at Wetherspoons, Question Time and the House of Commons, telling us that if Britain was to become great again, it had to get rid of the shackles of EU and chart its own independent course. What he did. However, the "being awesome again" bit has yet to come true.

But no worries. At least Britain is a separate entity from the EU and, as all Leavers wished, is now legally a third country. So how come many of these same people are now outraged that Brussels respects their democratic will?

From next year, the EU will introduce visas for travelers from all non-EU countries to verify that they are not overstaying their legally assigned residency window, which has led pro-Brexit voices calling it a "vengeful diktat, Big Brother", and a "draconian punishment" that will cause "holiday chaos". Yet this is the same type of visa that Britons need to travel to the United States or Australia.

That's how in this age of security, overseas travel works. And it was always going to happen when we left the EU. It's just that no member of the Take Back Control gang bothered to tell voters.

Greg Walter of Winchester, who voted Leave, now feels 'betrayed' and this week appeared in the papers saying: 'We were told Brexit was not going to affect our lives overseas, that it would only be a matter of formality. We never received the correct information on the result of the vote."

In other words, we were lied to. Just as we were with Boris Johnson on the NHS' £350m-a-week raise, with David Davis promising a 'no-hassle' deal and Jacob Rees-Mogg assuring us food bills would drop.

For the British, June 23, 2016 will be the day of the big lie. In the United States, that honor goes to January 6, 2021. The day Donald Trump incited a crowd to storm the White House on the grounds that the presidency had been stolen from him. This week, Trump was charged with a criminal conspiracy to retain power by spreading false allegations of voter fraud that sparked the riot.

At the heart of the prosecution case is the accusation that Trump knew he was lying, but did so regardless of the consequences. These are accusations you could also level against the architects of Brexit, a cause that Trump was so supportive of. There are many parallels.

Trump demanded that the people take back control of the Deep State, the Brexiters of an EU superstate. Both wrapped themselves in the flag, saying their vision, reminiscent of the Founding Fathers or Churchill, was the...

"The truth about the big Brexit lie is getting painful for the Leavers"

The reality of Brexit is starting to hit us all - and even those who voted to leave the EU are getting angry

Do you still have any signs of the £350million a week for the NHS, Boris? No sign of the £350m-a-week NHS, Boris? (

Image: Getty Images)

It seems only yesterday that half of this country was crying out for freedom.

Every night our TVs showed angry talking heads at Wetherspoons, Question Time and the House of Commons, telling us that if Britain was to become great again, it had to get rid of the shackles of EU and chart its own independent course. What he did. However, the "being awesome again" bit has yet to come true.

But no worries. At least Britain is a separate entity from the EU and, as all Leavers wished, is now legally a third country. So how come many of these same people are now outraged that Brussels respects their democratic will?

From next year, the EU will introduce visas for travelers from all non-EU countries to verify that they are not overstaying their legally assigned residency window, which has led pro-Brexit voices calling it a "vengeful diktat, Big Brother", and a "draconian punishment" that will cause "holiday chaos". Yet this is the same type of visa that Britons need to travel to the United States or Australia.

That's how in this age of security, overseas travel works. And it was always going to happen when we left the EU. It's just that no member of the Take Back Control gang bothered to tell voters.

Greg Walter of Winchester, who voted Leave, now feels 'betrayed' and this week appeared in the papers saying: 'We were told Brexit was not going to affect our lives overseas, that it would only be a matter of formality. We never received the correct information on the result of the vote."

In other words, we were lied to. Just as we were with Boris Johnson on the NHS' £350m-a-week raise, with David Davis promising a 'no-hassle' deal and Jacob Rees-Mogg assuring us food bills would drop.

For the British, June 23, 2016 will be the day of the big lie. In the United States, that honor goes to January 6, 2021. The day Donald Trump incited a crowd to storm the White House on the grounds that the presidency had been stolen from him. This week, Trump was charged with a criminal conspiracy to retain power by spreading false allegations of voter fraud that sparked the riot.

At the heart of the prosecution case is the accusation that Trump knew he was lying, but did so regardless of the consequences. These are accusations you could also level against the architects of Brexit, a cause that Trump was so supportive of. There are many parallels.

Trump demanded that the people take back control of the Deep State, the Brexiters of an EU superstate. Both wrapped themselves in the flag, saying their vision, reminiscent of the Founding Fathers or Churchill, was the...

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