Conservative leadership timeline: When does voting close?


The next British Prime Minister will be chosen on Monday September 5 when the Conservative Party leadership race finally draws to a close after eight weeks of bitter campaigning.

Either Foreign Secretary Liz Truss or former Chancellor Rishi Sunak will succeed Boris Johnson on the 10 Downing Street once the votes of the official Conservative members, estimated at just 170,000, were counted and collated.

After taking on challenges such as Penny Mordaunt, Tom Tugendhat, Kemi Badenoch, Suella Braverman, Jeremy Hunt and others, Ms. Truss and Mr. Sunak spent the month of August campaigning at 12 Tory Husting events across the country.

The co ncours has been highly controversial, at times personal and attr has been the subject of much criticism over the failure of both candidates to outline their plans to deal with an increasingly alarming cost of living crisis.

Despite an initial surge of support among MPs, Mr Sunak subsequently saw his popularity plummet as many in the party blame him for ousting Mr Johnson in early July, leaving Ms Truss almost certain of the take away, at least according to pollsters.

RecommendedWhen will the outcome of the Conservative leadership be announced?When curators leadership outcome be announced? will never escape rigorous public scrutiny" height="56" width="82" layout="responsive" class="i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout = "responsive"/>Liz Truss cannot escape harsh public scrutiny indefinitelyIt's a safe bet that Keir Starmer could be in Downing Street in two yearsChances are Keir Starmer will be in Downing Street in two years time

Members of the party were sent in their ballots between August 1 and 5 and have until 5 p.m. on Friday September 2 to submit them, after which voting ends and officials will spend the weekend tallying up the results. /p>

The winner will ultimately be b. ..

Conservative leadership timeline: When does voting close?

The next British Prime Minister will be chosen on Monday September 5 when the Conservative Party leadership race finally draws to a close after eight weeks of bitter campaigning.

Either Foreign Secretary Liz Truss or former Chancellor Rishi Sunak will succeed Boris Johnson on the 10 Downing Street once the votes of the official Conservative members, estimated at just 170,000, were counted and collated.

After taking on challenges such as Penny Mordaunt, Tom Tugendhat, Kemi Badenoch, Suella Braverman, Jeremy Hunt and others, Ms. Truss and Mr. Sunak spent the month of August campaigning at 12 Tory Husting events across the country.

The co ncours has been highly controversial, at times personal and attr has been the subject of much criticism over the failure of both candidates to outline their plans to deal with an increasingly alarming cost of living crisis.

Despite an initial surge of support among MPs, Mr Sunak subsequently saw his popularity plummet as many in the party blame him for ousting Mr Johnson in early July, leaving Ms Truss almost certain of the take away, at least according to pollsters.

RecommendedWhen will the outcome of the Conservative leadership be announced?When curators leadership outcome be announced? will never escape rigorous public scrutiny" height="56" width="82" layout="responsive" class="i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout = "responsive"/>Liz Truss cannot escape harsh public scrutiny indefinitelyIt's a safe bet that Keir Starmer could be in Downing Street in two yearsChances are Keir Starmer will be in Downing Street in two years time

Members of the party were sent in their ballots between August 1 and 5 and have until 5 p.m. on Friday September 2 to submit them, after which voting ends and officials will spend the weekend tallying up the results. /p>

The winner will ultimately be b. ..

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