Vladimir Putin takes elaborate measures to avoid being shot by Ukrainian fighters

The head of the Kremlin is believed to have come from St. Petersburg rather than Moscow to avoid passing near the Ukrainian border

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Vladimir Putin Paranoid About Ukrainian Assassination Attempt

A paranoid Vladimir Putin took elaborate measures to avoid being shot by the Ukrainian military today as he traveled to Minsk, it has been claimed.

The head of the Kremlin is believed to have come from St. Petersburg - rather than Moscow - to avoid passing close to the Ukrainian border.

It reportedly received a fighter esport as it approached Minsk.

At the same time, two more Ilyushins took off to "confuse the enemy", the Belarusian opposition channel motolkohelp said.

It is believed that Putin traveled to Minsk - for his first visit in three years with his "close ally" Alexander Lukashenko - aboard a "Flying Kremlin" jet, a special Il-96-300PU .

Vladimir Putin (R) arrived in Minsk taking enormous security precautions not to be shot by Ukraine
Vladimir Putin (R) arrived in Minsk taking enormous security precautions not to be shot by Ukraine (


Smotri_media/ East2west News)

“According to our information, Vladimir Putin flew to Minsk on this plane,” the Telegram channel said.

"For conspiracy purposes, three government aircraft he uses were airborne at the same time - RA-96022, RA-96014 and RA-96020."

Belarusian dictator Lukashenko met Putin at the airport.

The Russian leader - who is said to have health problems - jumped as he walked down the stairs from his plane where he was greeted with bread and flowers by two women before meeting Lukashenko.


Vladimir Putin takes elaborate measures to avoid being shot by Ukrainian fighters

The head of the Kremlin is believed to have come from St. Petersburg rather than Moscow to avoid passing near the Ukrainian border

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Vladimir Putin Paranoid About Ukrainian Assassination Attempt

A paranoid Vladimir Putin took elaborate measures to avoid being shot by the Ukrainian military today as he traveled to Minsk, it has been claimed.

The head of the Kremlin is believed to have come from St. Petersburg - rather than Moscow - to avoid passing close to the Ukrainian border.

It reportedly received a fighter esport as it approached Minsk.

At the same time, two more Ilyushins took off to "confuse the enemy", the Belarusian opposition channel motolkohelp said.

It is believed that Putin traveled to Minsk - for his first visit in three years with his "close ally" Alexander Lukashenko - aboard a "Flying Kremlin" jet, a special Il-96-300PU .

Vladimir Putin (R) arrived in Minsk taking enormous security precautions not to be shot by Ukraine
Vladimir Putin (R) arrived in Minsk taking enormous security precautions not to be shot by Ukraine (


Smotri_media/ East2west News)

“According to our information, Vladimir Putin flew to Minsk on this plane,” the Telegram channel said.

"For conspiracy purposes, three government aircraft he uses were airborne at the same time - RA-96022, RA-96014 and RA-96020."

Belarusian dictator Lukashenko met Putin at the airport.

The Russian leader - who is said to have health problems - jumped as he walked down the stairs from his plane where he was greeted with bread and flowers by two women before meeting Lukashenko.


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