When the conditions of use change to make way for AI. Training

Last July, Google made an eight-word change to its privacy policy, representing an important step in its race to build the next generation of artificial intelligence.

Burying thousands of words into its document, Google changed the wording of how it used data for its products, adding that public information could be used to form its AI. chatbot and other services.

Text changes:



We use publicly available information to help train AI language models of Google and creating products and features such as Google Translate Features, Bard and Cloud AI.

This subtle change was not unique to Google. As companies seek to train their A.I. models on data that I...

When the conditions of use change to make way for AI. Training

Last July, Google made an eight-word change to its privacy policy, representing an important step in its race to build the next generation of artificial intelligence.

Burying thousands of words into its document, Google changed the wording of how it used data for its products, adding that public information could be used to form its AI. chatbot and other services.

Text changes:



We use publicly available information to help train AI language models of Google and creating products and features such as Google Translate Features, Bard and Cloud AI.

This subtle change was not unique to Google. As companies seek to train their A.I. models on data that I...

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