3 Automations Every Business Needs to Increase Profitability

There is no excuse not to use automation in your day-to-day operations. Tools now readily available to all businesses can help you make more money, faster, with fewer resources deployed. Not only can people, time and free space be freed up, but your customers can also have a better experience. Once intense processes can now take place without your involvement as the business owner.

Paul Vigario is CEO and Founder of SurfCT, a dental and healthcare technology integration company that works with practices to help them stay ahead through automation. Vigario helps firms integrate technology into all aspects of their operations, and his team identifies problems they can solve and bottlenecks they can eliminate in their clients' businesses. With fifteen years of experience in the fields of dentistry and health technology and having lectured on the subject at various universities, Vigario believes that every company can make better use of automation, and he has helped companies access to the benefits.

According to Vigario, automation can “streamline operations and simplify tasks that can typically be time-consuming and counterproductive.” Here are three simple automations every business should have in place.

1. Automatic integration

Ideally, your customers can complete their purchase and onboard your business without talking to a human. Your automations should collect all the essential information, and your customer should be able to complete their contact details at their own pace, from the comfort of their own home. This eliminates the need to hire sales and customer service teams, as well as many administrative and support roles.

Vigario's industry is behind the times, but so are many others. "Although almost all dental facilities use electronic medical records, many still require physical forms to complete the admissions process." If forms are needed to onboard your customers, make sure they can be filled out "from a customer's home computer or smartphone." Reducing the time customers spend at a physical office or on the phone with a salesperson or support agent means more customers can be onboarded faster.

Automated forms and email workflows, automatic payments by integrating Stripe, electronic signature collection and identity checks are all expected by customers. Most will follow directions without question, because it's in their best interest. What's missing from your onboarding process?

2. A customer portal

If you have ongoing relationships with your customers, they need to be able to log in and see their information. Whether it's details of their reports or upcoming meetings, invoices they've paid, delivery information, or space to fill in additional details, a client portal will free up your team for other tasks. .

Vigario works with its customers to create customer portals, which "give their customers a sense of independence" and allow them "instant access to their data".

Not only must the portal securely store customer information, but it must be a source of information. "A comprehensive portal should include introductory videos, how-to documents, and answers to frequently asked questions." Customers should also be able to buy more or schedule an appointment, if that works for your business. "Every customer connection represents a reduction in the time you spend answering emails or talking on the phone."

3. Computer-generated marketing assets

For clients of Vigario's dental practices, marketing ensures that they acquire new patients and stay in touch with existing ones. He advises businesses to incorporate automation into their marketing to ensure it's systematized and consistent rather than last-minute and disorganized.

"Master the basics first by scheduling your social media posts and promotional emails from a social media scheduling tool and CRM system." Then you can get smart. Artificially intelligent article generators, image builders, and ad copy systems can speed up your content creation without hiring a team of freelancers.

Most industries can access "pre-built content libraries" online, bringing inspiration and updates to their audience...

3 Automations Every Business Needs to Increase Profitability

There is no excuse not to use automation in your day-to-day operations. Tools now readily available to all businesses can help you make more money, faster, with fewer resources deployed. Not only can people, time and free space be freed up, but your customers can also have a better experience. Once intense processes can now take place without your involvement as the business owner.

Paul Vigario is CEO and Founder of SurfCT, a dental and healthcare technology integration company that works with practices to help them stay ahead through automation. Vigario helps firms integrate technology into all aspects of their operations, and his team identifies problems they can solve and bottlenecks they can eliminate in their clients' businesses. With fifteen years of experience in the fields of dentistry and health technology and having lectured on the subject at various universities, Vigario believes that every company can make better use of automation, and he has helped companies access to the benefits.

According to Vigario, automation can “streamline operations and simplify tasks that can typically be time-consuming and counterproductive.” Here are three simple automations every business should have in place.

1. Automatic integration

Ideally, your customers can complete their purchase and onboard your business without talking to a human. Your automations should collect all the essential information, and your customer should be able to complete their contact details at their own pace, from the comfort of their own home. This eliminates the need to hire sales and customer service teams, as well as many administrative and support roles.

Vigario's industry is behind the times, but so are many others. "Although almost all dental facilities use electronic medical records, many still require physical forms to complete the admissions process." If forms are needed to onboard your customers, make sure they can be filled out "from a customer's home computer or smartphone." Reducing the time customers spend at a physical office or on the phone with a salesperson or support agent means more customers can be onboarded faster.

Automated forms and email workflows, automatic payments by integrating Stripe, electronic signature collection and identity checks are all expected by customers. Most will follow directions without question, because it's in their best interest. What's missing from your onboarding process?

2. A customer portal

If you have ongoing relationships with your customers, they need to be able to log in and see their information. Whether it's details of their reports or upcoming meetings, invoices they've paid, delivery information, or space to fill in additional details, a client portal will free up your team for other tasks. .

Vigario works with its customers to create customer portals, which "give their customers a sense of independence" and allow them "instant access to their data".

Not only must the portal securely store customer information, but it must be a source of information. "A comprehensive portal should include introductory videos, how-to documents, and answers to frequently asked questions." Customers should also be able to buy more or schedule an appointment, if that works for your business. "Every customer connection represents a reduction in the time you spend answering emails or talking on the phone."

3. Computer-generated marketing assets

For clients of Vigario's dental practices, marketing ensures that they acquire new patients and stay in touch with existing ones. He advises businesses to incorporate automation into their marketing to ensure it's systematized and consistent rather than last-minute and disorganized.

"Master the basics first by scheduling your social media posts and promotional emails from a social media scheduling tool and CRM system." Then you can get smart. Artificially intelligent article generators, image builders, and ad copy systems can speed up your content creation without hiring a team of freelancers.

Most industries can access "pre-built content libraries" online, bringing inspiration and updates to their audience...

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