Anxious avoidant relationship: 7 steps to fix it + should you?

Are you in an anxious avoidance relationship and feeling tired of the constant struggle to reach your partner and feel close to them?

Do you do a lot of chasing, only to repeatedly run into the walls of your avoiding partner?

Or maybe you struggle with a partner who thinks you have barriers and need a lot more of yourself, but find it hard to be vulnerable.

I understand. The struggle is real, and I'm not here to sugarcoat it.

Anxious Avoidant Relationship

Table of Contents

Why Are Anxious Avoidance Relationships So Difficult?

Anxious avoidance relationships are super tough because you have two people with an insecure attachment who can't fully trust each other.

The anxiously attached person tries to get attention, comfort, and love from the avoidant partner.

The avoidant partner, if they like the anxious partner, is constantly drawn into more internal anxiety by the anxious person's demands, and therefore tends to:

Become super anxious themselves; and or Turn off and "check" completely

This of course confirms all of the anxious person's insecurities and triggers their deepest fear - the fear of abandonment.

MORE: 15 signs of abandonment issues and how to test them.

This all sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it? What good things could possibly come out of such a toxic cycle?

Well, while it's definitely toxic, there is hope for such a relationship. But how much much hope?

It depends on the people in the relationship.

Honestly, most people can't handle the hard, revealing, and vulnerable work that comes with making an anxious avoidance relationship work.

But I assure you, some people can eventually make it work - with the right mindset.

Because remember, just because you have an avoidant attachment style doesn't mean you can't open up over time and melt your walls.

And just because you have an anxious attachment doesn't mean you can't learn to soothe your anxiety and show yourself in a more calibrated way.

CLICK HERE to LEARN the specific emotional trigger in each masculine man that inspires him to want to care for you, worship you, and commit deeply to you.

Anxious avoidance relationships cannot be corrected until THAT happens…

Here's something important you need to know first:

An anxious avoidance relationship cannot be (properly) corrected unless one or both of you begin to correct your own insecure attachment styles first. (And we have a quiz that will help you with that…)

QUIZZ TIME: Do I have secure or insecure attachment patterns? CLICK HERE to find out with our 10 question quiz specially designed for women!

(Why is this important? It's because your primary attachment style largely dictates and influences what happens in your relationship, so it's imperative that you understand your primary attachment style!)

You may have heard that to resolve an anxious avoidance relationship, the anxious partner needs to lean back and give space, while the avoidant...

Anxious avoidant relationship: 7 steps to fix it + should you?

Are you in an anxious avoidance relationship and feeling tired of the constant struggle to reach your partner and feel close to them?

Do you do a lot of chasing, only to repeatedly run into the walls of your avoiding partner?

Or maybe you struggle with a partner who thinks you have barriers and need a lot more of yourself, but find it hard to be vulnerable.

I understand. The struggle is real, and I'm not here to sugarcoat it.

Anxious Avoidant Relationship

Table of Contents

Why Are Anxious Avoidance Relationships So Difficult?

Anxious avoidance relationships are super tough because you have two people with an insecure attachment who can't fully trust each other.

The anxiously attached person tries to get attention, comfort, and love from the avoidant partner.

The avoidant partner, if they like the anxious partner, is constantly drawn into more internal anxiety by the anxious person's demands, and therefore tends to:

Become super anxious themselves; and or Turn off and "check" completely

This of course confirms all of the anxious person's insecurities and triggers their deepest fear - the fear of abandonment.

MORE: 15 signs of abandonment issues and how to test them.

This all sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it? What good things could possibly come out of such a toxic cycle?

Well, while it's definitely toxic, there is hope for such a relationship. But how much much hope?

It depends on the people in the relationship.

Honestly, most people can't handle the hard, revealing, and vulnerable work that comes with making an anxious avoidance relationship work.

But I assure you, some people can eventually make it work - with the right mindset.

Because remember, just because you have an avoidant attachment style doesn't mean you can't open up over time and melt your walls.

And just because you have an anxious attachment doesn't mean you can't learn to soothe your anxiety and show yourself in a more calibrated way.

CLICK HERE to LEARN the specific emotional trigger in each masculine man that inspires him to want to care for you, worship you, and commit deeply to you.

Anxious avoidance relationships cannot be corrected until THAT happens…

Here's something important you need to know first:

An anxious avoidance relationship cannot be (properly) corrected unless one or both of you begin to correct your own insecure attachment styles first. (And we have a quiz that will help you with that…)

QUIZZ TIME: Do I have secure or insecure attachment patterns? CLICK HERE to find out with our 10 question quiz specially designed for women!

(Why is this important? It's because your primary attachment style largely dictates and influences what happens in your relationship, so it's imperative that you understand your primary attachment style!)

You may have heard that to resolve an anxious avoidance relationship, the anxious partner needs to lean back and give space, while the avoidant...

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