Asante Gold: UK to lend looted “crown jewels” to Ghana

A ceremonial cap, known as a denkyemke, taken by British forces from the Ashanti Kingdom in the 19th centuryImage source, British Museum
By Katie RazzallCulture and Media Editor

UK returns some of Ghana's 'crown jewels' home, 150 years after plundering them from King Asante's court.

Golden peace The pipe is among 32 items returned as part of long-term loan deals, the BBC can reveal.

The Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) is lending 17 pieces and 15 are from the British Museum.

Ghana's chief negotiator said he hoped for “a new sense of cultural cooperation” after generations of anger.

Some UK national museums - including the V&A and the British Museum - are banned by law to permanently return disputed objects to their collections, and loan agreements like this are seen as a way to allow objects to return to their countries of origin.

But some countries with claims to controversial items fear the loans could be used to imply they accept UK property. .

Asante Gold: UK to lend looted “crown jewels” to Ghana
A ceremonial cap, known as a denkyemke, taken by British forces from the Ashanti Kingdom in the 19th centuryImage source, British Museum
By Katie RazzallCulture and Media Editor

UK returns some of Ghana's 'crown jewels' home, 150 years after plundering them from King Asante's court.

Golden peace The pipe is among 32 items returned as part of long-term loan deals, the BBC can reveal.

The Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) is lending 17 pieces and 15 are from the British Museum.

Ghana's chief negotiator said he hoped for “a new sense of cultural cooperation” after generations of anger.

Some UK national museums - including the V&A and the British Museum - are banned by law to permanently return disputed objects to their collections, and loan agreements like this are seen as a way to allow objects to return to their countries of origin.

But some countries with claims to controversial items fear the loans could be used to imply they accept UK property. .

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