Billie Eilish Blasts Haters Labeling Her "Sellout" For Dressing More Feminine


Billie Eilish has mostly ditched her tomboy style that she became famous with, and dresses more like a grown ass, sexy woman...something her haters can't handle, it seems. he.

The pop star addressed this ongoing annoyance head-on over the weekend with tell-all Instagram posts that delved into what she thinks of a few saying she's a 'sell-out' for changing her style and look more feminine as she gets older. His message...bend.

Actually, she had a bit more to say about it...and she went quite far in her dissection.

In the since-deleted IG stories, along with close-ups of her cup, Billie wrote, "I spent the first 5 years of my career being completely erased by you fools because you're a boy and that you dress like I did and constantly being told I'd look sexier if I acted like a woman."

She continues, "and now when I feel comfortable enough to wear anything feminine or fitted, I've CHANGED and I'm sold out...and 'what happened' oMg it's not the same billie, she's like the other blah blah..." BE adds, "you are real idiots LOL."

Billie hits the mark... "I can BOTH be fucking bozos. LET WOMEN HAPPEN!" She also threw in additional IG posts for good measure, noting the femininity...

Billie Eilish Blasts Haters Labeling Her "Sellout" For Dressing More Feminine


Billie Eilish has mostly ditched her tomboy style that she became famous with, and dresses more like a grown ass, sexy woman...something her haters can't handle, it seems. he.

The pop star addressed this ongoing annoyance head-on over the weekend with tell-all Instagram posts that delved into what she thinks of a few saying she's a 'sell-out' for changing her style and look more feminine as she gets older. His message...bend.

Actually, she had a bit more to say about it...and she went quite far in her dissection.

In the since-deleted IG stories, along with close-ups of her cup, Billie wrote, "I spent the first 5 years of my career being completely erased by you fools because you're a boy and that you dress like I did and constantly being told I'd look sexier if I acted like a woman."

She continues, "and now when I feel comfortable enough to wear anything feminine or fitted, I've CHANGED and I'm sold out...and 'what happened' oMg it's not the same billie, she's like the other blah blah..." BE adds, "you are real idiots LOL."

Billie hits the mark... "I can BOTH be fucking bozos. LET WOMEN HAPPEN!" She also threw in additional IG posts for good measure, noting the femininity...

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