A burst water main turns Gloucestershire Street into an extraordinary forest of icicles

A burst water main turns a suburban street into an extraordinary forest of icicles as Britain shivers in sub-zero frost, hope it's here to stay Weather forecasts continue to predict temperatures below zero over the weekend

The forest of icicles was accidentally created by passing cars splashing water from a burst water main onto a hedge at the edge from the road.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">Helen Stratford, a mum from Staunton, Gloucestershire, saw the creation at the bottom of her road which caught her and others' attention residents.

His daughter, Sabrina, 9 years old, was fascinated by ice cubes, and like many others wanted to see the ice cubes up close.

< img id="i-524a3521c52684db" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/12/16/18/65664703-11547197-image-a-24_1671215633041.jpg" height="394 " width="634" alt="A burst water main has turned a suburban street in Gloucestershire into a forest of icicles" class="nothing" /> The sculpture was created by cars splashing water from a burst of water pipe over a hedge

Mrs. creating after school to take inspirational winter photos.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">She said: 'I walk past it every day, it's a natural phenomenon I guess se.

'My daughter says they go to the toilet k like the organ pipes at the cathedral, and I wanted to go see them.

'We went when she broke up with school and it was so slippery but she wanted me to...

A burst water main turns Gloucestershire Street into an extraordinary forest of icicles
A burst water main turns a suburban street into an extraordinary forest of icicles as Britain shivers in sub-zero frost, hope it's here to stay Weather forecasts continue to predict temperatures below zero over the weekend

The forest of icicles was accidentally created by passing cars splashing water from a burst water main onto a hedge at the edge from the road.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">Helen Stratford, a mum from Staunton, Gloucestershire, saw the creation at the bottom of her road which caught her and others' attention residents.

His daughter, Sabrina, 9 years old, was fascinated by ice cubes, and like many others wanted to see the ice cubes up close.

< img id="i-524a3521c52684db" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/12/16/18/65664703-11547197-image-a-24_1671215633041.jpg" height="394 " width="634" alt="A burst water main has turned a suburban street in Gloucestershire into a forest of icicles" class="nothing" /> The sculpture was created by cars splashing water from a burst of water pipe over a hedge

Mrs. creating after school to take inspirational winter photos.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">She said: 'I walk past it every day, it's a natural phenomenon I guess se.

'My daughter says they go to the toilet k like the organ pipes at the cathedral, and I wanted to go see them.

'We went when she broke up with school and it was so slippery but she wanted me to...

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