Charity urges players to take a stand against the link between gambling and football

A charity has called on professional footballers has take A position against THE gambling industry relationship with THE Thu.

Newcastle Midfielder Sandro Tonali And striker Nicholas Zaniolo, Currently on ready has Aston Villa Since Galatasaray, last week income has their clubs Since Italy training camp After he emerged they were below investigation by THE Italian Prosecutor Desk And Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) In relationship has illegal bet activity.

THE pair are THE last In A series of players has find themselves THE subject of allegations And THE Big Stage, A charity directed by people hurt by gambling which East to make a campaign For A END has bet advertisement And sponsorship In soccer, believes he East time For their teammates has stay up And be counted.

A spokesperson said THE Pennsylvania news agency: "These moments can be seen as A tip indicate And he do help to show THE ridiculous current situation of THE relationship between gambling And football.

"But I think Also It is time For more And more footballers has take A position against he because these are their colleagues, these are their peers, these are their friends that are be injured.

"HAS What indicate will footballers say, 'You know What ? I am not going has play with This gambling business on THE in front of My shirt, I am not going has play In This stadium with thousands of announcements'.

"It is What I think will Really advice he then."

Juventus Midfielder Nicholas Fagioli was last week fined And given A seven months to forbid with A further five month suspended by THE FIGC For breach bet rules, while England striker Ivan Tony was handed over A eight months suspension In Can And Nottingham Forest defender Harry Toffolo A suspended five months to forbid last month.

Tonali, A £55 million summer signature Since THAT Milan, has would have admitted bet on her ancient club has earn And her agent Giuseppe Riso has revealed THE 23 years East to fight "gambling addiction" has A time When Newcastle to have three bet the partners – FUN88, PariMGM And

THE Big Stage spokesperson added: "If You watch their (Newcastle) match on SATURDAY, you go see A constant turning presence of these companies while A of their own employees – A of their key employees, their players – East going has be session there watching he, maybe even playing, trying has to recover Since This thing that East be announcement has him tirelessly."

While gambling addiction East A issue In wider Company And other sports, THE charity believes he East particularly frequent In soccer And has called For Government intervention has address that.

THE spokesperson said: "He East important has recognize that the football players, they to have A plot of money, they to have A plot of spare time And they are In This environment Or there East A gambling culture, And It is not just through THE advertisement, but Also just through THE association between THE two things, gambling And sports.

"It is Why there need has be additional guarantees For footballers compared with with others. It is time Government take a step upwards.

"How a lot more players, how a lot more Fans to have has be hurt Before Government Really takes control of This situation And just reset This relationship For GOOD ? »

Charity urges players to take a stand against the link between gambling and football

A charity has called on professional footballers has take A position against THE gambling industry relationship with THE Thu.

Newcastle Midfielder Sandro Tonali And striker Nicholas Zaniolo, Currently on ready has Aston Villa Since Galatasaray, last week income has their clubs Since Italy training camp After he emerged they were below investigation by THE Italian Prosecutor Desk And Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) In relationship has illegal bet activity.

THE pair are THE last In A series of players has find themselves THE subject of allegations And THE Big Stage, A charity directed by people hurt by gambling which East to make a campaign For A END has bet advertisement And sponsorship In soccer, believes he East time For their teammates has stay up And be counted.

A spokesperson said THE Pennsylvania news agency: "These moments can be seen as A tip indicate And he do help to show THE ridiculous current situation of THE relationship between gambling And football.

"But I think Also It is time For more And more footballers has take A position against he because these are their colleagues, these are their peers, these are their friends that are be injured.

"HAS What indicate will footballers say, 'You know What ? I am not going has play with This gambling business on THE in front of My shirt, I am not going has play In This stadium with thousands of announcements'.

"It is What I think will Really advice he then."

Juventus Midfielder Nicholas Fagioli was last week fined And given A seven months to forbid with A further five month suspended by THE FIGC For breach bet rules, while England striker Ivan Tony was handed over A eight months suspension In Can And Nottingham Forest defender Harry Toffolo A suspended five months to forbid last month.

Tonali, A £55 million summer signature Since THAT Milan, has would have admitted bet on her ancient club has earn And her agent Giuseppe Riso has revealed THE 23 years East to fight "gambling addiction" has A time When Newcastle to have three bet the partners – FUN88, PariMGM And

THE Big Stage spokesperson added: "If You watch their (Newcastle) match on SATURDAY, you go see A constant turning presence of these companies while A of their own employees – A of their key employees, their players – East going has be session there watching he, maybe even playing, trying has to recover Since This thing that East be announcement has him tirelessly."

While gambling addiction East A issue In wider Company And other sports, THE charity believes he East particularly frequent In soccer And has called For Government intervention has address that.

THE spokesperson said: "He East important has recognize that the football players, they to have A plot of money, they to have A plot of spare time And they are In This environment Or there East A gambling culture, And It is not just through THE advertisement, but Also just through THE association between THE two things, gambling And sports.

"It is Why there need has be additional guarantees For footballers compared with with others. It is time Government take a step upwards.

"How a lot more players, how a lot more Fans to have has be hurt Before Government Really takes control of This situation And just reset This relationship For GOOD ? »

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