Creepy Hospital Thriller 'Disquiet' Trailer Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Disquiet Trailer

"Who the hell are they?" Paramount has released an official trailer for a mystery thriller titled Disquiet, the latest from a filmmaker named Michael Winnick. It's another one of those shoddy movies that get dumped on VOD, so many of them are dropping everywhere these days. The live-to-video supernatural thriller about a man trapped in a dead-end hospital trying to escape the mysterious beings trapped there with him. He is haunted by "sinister forces that have no intention of letting him go". Jonathan Rhys Meyers stars as Sam, alongside Rachelle Goulding, Elyse Levesque, Lochlyn Munro, Garry Chalk, Trezzo Mahoro, Anita Brown and Bradley Stryker. It looks so bad, it's not even worthy of being described as "made for TV" quality, it's even worse than that, folks. Ugh why are there so many movies like this lately.

Here is the official trailer (+ poster) for Michael Winnick's Disquiet, straight from Paramount's YouTube:

Disquiet Poster

Jonathan Rhys Meyers stars in this breathtakingly terrifying thriller. After a near-fatal car accident, Sam (Meyers) wakes up to find he's trapped in an abandoned hospital by mysterious and sinister forces who have no intention of letting him go… L 'worry is both written and directed by writer/filmmaker Michael Winnick, director of the films Deuces, Shadow Puppets, Guns Girls and Gambling, The Better Half, Code of Honor, and Malicious before. It is produced by Steven Paul. This hasn't premiered at any festival or anywhere else as far as we know. Paramount Movies + SPMG will launch Winnick's Disquiet in select US theaters + on VOD starting February 10, 2023, soon. Anyone interested in watching it?

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Creepy Hospital Thriller 'Disquiet' Trailer Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Disquiet Trailer

"Who the hell are they?" Paramount has released an official trailer for a mystery thriller titled Disquiet, the latest from a filmmaker named Michael Winnick. It's another one of those shoddy movies that get dumped on VOD, so many of them are dropping everywhere these days. The live-to-video supernatural thriller about a man trapped in a dead-end hospital trying to escape the mysterious beings trapped there with him. He is haunted by "sinister forces that have no intention of letting him go". Jonathan Rhys Meyers stars as Sam, alongside Rachelle Goulding, Elyse Levesque, Lochlyn Munro, Garry Chalk, Trezzo Mahoro, Anita Brown and Bradley Stryker. It looks so bad, it's not even worthy of being described as "made for TV" quality, it's even worse than that, folks. Ugh why are there so many movies like this lately.

Here is the official trailer (+ poster) for Michael Winnick's Disquiet, straight from Paramount's YouTube:

Disquiet Poster

Jonathan Rhys Meyers stars in this breathtakingly terrifying thriller. After a near-fatal car accident, Sam (Meyers) wakes up to find he's trapped in an abandoned hospital by mysterious and sinister forces who have no intention of letting him go… L 'worry is both written and directed by writer/filmmaker Michael Winnick, director of the films Deuces, Shadow Puppets, Guns Girls and Gambling, The Better Half, Code of Honor, and Malicious before. It is produced by Steven Paul. This hasn't premiered at any festival or anywhere else as far as we know. Paramount Movies + SPMG will launch Winnick's Disquiet in select US theaters + on VOD starting February 10, 2023, soon. Anyone interested in watching it?

Find more articles: Must Watch, Trailer

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