Hacker FTX is now the 35th largest holder of ETH

The Exploiter's Ether Transport is truly worth an expected $288 million at current market spend.

FTX hacker is now the 35th biggest holder of ETH

The hacker who operated the now-bankrupt FTX alternative last week made a handsome fortune that propelled them to Ether() whale status.

Just a day after embattled FTX trading filed for Chapter Eleven bankruptcy, its wallets were depleted for over $663 million in various crypto assets, to blockchain intelligence agency Elliptic.


Elliptic suspected that $477 million was stolen, with a large portion of those tokens then converted into ETH, while $186 million worth more than a hundred different tokens were believed to be moved to stable storage via FTX itself.

As reported via Cointelegraph on November 15, the attacker has become involved in what analysts call "on-chain spoofing".

According to blockchain protection firm Beosin, the attacker has made several cross-chain exchanges and transactions over the past day and currently holds approximately $338 million in crypto assets as of November 15.


FTX Accounts Drainer (0x59AB...32b) has performed several afterlife switch and chain move operations and currently holds approximately $338,598,702 in assets.

The majority of finances are held under

Current stability:

— Beosin Alert (@BeosinAlert)

Included is a whopping 228,523 ETH, pocketed, worth around $288.8 million at modern market prices.

This makes the account dubbed the "FTX Accounts Drainer" the thirty-fifth largest Ethereum holder by number of ETH held.

CoinCarp's Ethereum rich list, the pinnacle holder is the Beacon Chain custodial agreement which comprises around 15 million ETH. Additionally, most of those in the top 20 are crypto exchanges, layer 2 protocols, and records.

The pinnacle 20 ETH wallets hold 27.7% of all deliveries in circulation and the pinnacle 50 hold one-third of all ETH.

The exploits spread on both FTX and FTX.US, with the main takers taking the position that it . The director of security operations at analytics organization Certik, Hugh Brooks, alluded to on-chain evidence suggesting as much. He told Cointelegraph on Nov. 15 that unless there has been a private key compromise, an insider with the right to access these price range changing wallets cannot be ruled out.



Ether costs were no longer impacted by the offload capacity usage of its thirty-fifth largest holder flooding the markets.

At the time of writing, ETH was buying and selling flat the same day at $1,260, at CoinGecko. The asset has lost around 23% since the start of the FTX debacle.