Furor over 'uneven' A-level results day as top grades fall at different rates across UK

Analysis shows that the fall in ratings was most pronounced in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber and the East Midlands - compared to the South East and London

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Students across England receive A-Level results

The Tories were slammed on a 'day of uneven results' which saw the number of teenagers earning top A-grades fall faster in the North East than the South East.

Labour accused the government of allowing the results to 'regress' in parts of the UK on the day the notes were published.

The drop in ratings was most pronounced in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber and the East Midlands, compared to the South East and London.

This comes after researchers found that less than one in five students taking exams this summer were able to gain support from the ‘chaotic’ tutoring program introduced during the pandemic.

Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said: 'Students receiving their results have worked incredibly hard in unprecedented circumstances, but these inequalities reveal the Conservatives' continuing failure to allow all young people to thrive after the pandemic.

"Students in the North East are no less able, but after 12 years of Tory governments they are seeing their results fall behind their peers in the south of England.

Grades fell in UK compared to last year - but the declines have been more extreme in some areas than in others -seek-advice.jpg
Ratings have fallen across the UK from a year ago - but the declines have been more extreme in some areas than others (



“Labour has drawn up an ambitious recovery plan, offering tutoring in small groups, mental health support, free breakfast clubs and after-school activities for all. Our plans would allow young people to thrive , instead, the Conservatives are failing our children yet again.”

The difference in the number of A/A* grades awarded to students in private schools compared to public schools has widened since 2019, with the gap between the two groups of students being 13% larger than it was. was before the pandemic.< /p>

Responding to the numbers, Labor said: 'This day of uneven results follows the Tories' continued refusal to deliver an ambitious recovery plan for children following the disruption of the pandemic.

"Sutton Trust research finds less than one in five students taking exams this summer received support from the Tories' chaotic tutoring scheme despite ministers' promises to students and parents that support would be available."

Furor over 'uneven' A-level results day as top grades fall at different rates across UK

Analysis shows that the fall in ratings was most pronounced in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber and the East Midlands - compared to the South East and London

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Students across England receive A-Level results

The Tories were slammed on a 'day of uneven results' which saw the number of teenagers earning top A-grades fall faster in the North East than the South East.

Labour accused the government of allowing the results to 'regress' in parts of the UK on the day the notes were published.

The drop in ratings was most pronounced in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber and the East Midlands, compared to the South East and London.

This comes after researchers found that less than one in five students taking exams this summer were able to gain support from the ‘chaotic’ tutoring program introduced during the pandemic.

Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said: 'Students receiving their results have worked incredibly hard in unprecedented circumstances, but these inequalities reveal the Conservatives' continuing failure to allow all young people to thrive after the pandemic.

"Students in the North East are no less able, but after 12 years of Tory governments they are seeing their results fall behind their peers in the south of England.

Grades fell in UK compared to last year - but the declines have been more extreme in some areas than in others -seek-advice.jpg
Ratings have fallen across the UK from a year ago - but the declines have been more extreme in some areas than others (



“Labour has drawn up an ambitious recovery plan, offering tutoring in small groups, mental health support, free breakfast clubs and after-school activities for all. Our plans would allow young people to thrive , instead, the Conservatives are failing our children yet again.”

The difference in the number of A/A* grades awarded to students in private schools compared to public schools has widened since 2019, with the gap between the two groups of students being 13% larger than it was. was before the pandemic.< /p>

Responding to the numbers, Labor said: 'This day of uneven results follows the Tories' continued refusal to deliver an ambitious recovery plan for children following the disruption of the pandemic.

"Sutton Trust research finds less than one in five students taking exams this summer received support from the Tories' chaotic tutoring scheme despite ministers' promises to students and parents that support would be available."

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