Leading lawyers and voices weigh in on Epic's antitrust victory against Google

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This afternoon, A jury handed over Epic Games A earn In It is antitrust trial against Google. For three years, THE game editor has for follow-up both Apple And Google on THE companies' alleged anti-competitive practices.

While Epic largely lost It is antitrust case against Apple, THE Fortnite And Rocket League editor prevailed on Google. There are key distinctions between THE case against Apple And Google. First of all, A judge governed In THE Apple case compared with has A jury In That of Google. Also contrary to Apple, Google necessary has contract with third party phone manufacturers has control their ecosystem.

"Despite apparent has a lot as THE harder case, It is not surprising has Me that Google lost more that Apple did," said Richard. Hoeg, A lawyer has Hoeg Law, said GamesBeat via DM. "For all It is The warts, Apple Never had has contract with A third to party has to try has exercise control on It is entirely possesses ecosystem. Google did, And I suspicious THE poor optical of that directed directly has THE loss put out by This jury. Always A manners has go has see if Epic won Nothing tangible For THE fortune It is spent, However. »

WE. District Court judge James Donato In San Francis always needs has ruler on THE potential result And address any of them calls. Notably, Epic complaint said THE business "do not seek monetary damage For THE injuries he has suffered. Instead, Epic look for injunction relief that would be TO DO GOOD on that of Google broken promises.” With A decision has come, industry analysts are speculate about THE a wider scope consequences.

"It is THE beginning of THE Google to break up," said Matthew Stoller, director of research has THE American Economic Freedoms Project And author of Goliath: THE 100 years War Between Monopoly Power And Democracy, said GamesBeat via DM. Given that THE decision covers "Android in the app billing services For digital goods And services transactions," THE consequences will likely be far reach.

"THE monopoly East on. This bear on Apples call, they should lose as GOOD. GOOD For developers And Ultimately GOOD For players”, said Michael Pachter, A analyst has Wedbush Securities, In A E-mail has GamesBeat.

GamesBeat's creed When covering THE game industry East "Or passion meets business." What do This mean? We to want has say You how THE news imported has You -- not just as A decision maker has A game studio, but Also as A fan of Games. If You read OUR articles, listen has OUR podcasts, Or watch OUR videos, GamesBeat will help You learn about THE industry And appreciate engaging with he. Discover OUR Briefings.

Leading lawyers and voices weigh in on Epic's antitrust victory against Google

Do You to want has get THE last game industry news right has your mailbox ? Sign up For OUR every day And weekly newsletters here.

This afternoon, A jury handed over Epic Games A earn In It is antitrust trial against Google. For three years, THE game editor has for follow-up both Apple And Google on THE companies' alleged anti-competitive practices.

While Epic largely lost It is antitrust case against Apple, THE Fortnite And Rocket League editor prevailed on Google. There are key distinctions between THE case against Apple And Google. First of all, A judge governed In THE Apple case compared with has A jury In That of Google. Also contrary to Apple, Google necessary has contract with third party phone manufacturers has control their ecosystem.

"Despite apparent has a lot as THE harder case, It is not surprising has Me that Google lost more that Apple did," said Richard. Hoeg, A lawyer has Hoeg Law, said GamesBeat via DM. "For all It is The warts, Apple Never had has contract with A third to party has to try has exercise control on It is entirely possesses ecosystem. Google did, And I suspicious THE poor optical of that directed directly has THE loss put out by This jury. Always A manners has go has see if Epic won Nothing tangible For THE fortune It is spent, However. »

WE. District Court judge James Donato In San Francis always needs has ruler on THE potential result And address any of them calls. Notably, Epic complaint said THE business "do not seek monetary damage For THE injuries he has suffered. Instead, Epic look for injunction relief that would be TO DO GOOD on that of Google broken promises.” With A decision has come, industry analysts are speculate about THE a wider scope consequences.

"It is THE beginning of THE Google to break up," said Matthew Stoller, director of research has THE American Economic Freedoms Project And author of Goliath: THE 100 years War Between Monopoly Power And Democracy, said GamesBeat via DM. Given that THE decision covers "Android in the app billing services For digital goods And services transactions," THE consequences will likely be far reach.

"THE monopoly East on. This bear on Apples call, they should lose as GOOD. GOOD For developers And Ultimately GOOD For players”, said Michael Pachter, A analyst has Wedbush Securities, In A E-mail has GamesBeat.

GamesBeat's creed When covering THE game industry East "Or passion meets business." What do This mean? We to want has say You how THE news imported has You -- not just as A decision maker has A game studio, but Also as A fan of Games. If You read OUR articles, listen has OUR podcasts, Or watch OUR videos, GamesBeat will help You learn about THE industry And appreciate engaging with he. Discover OUR Briefings.

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