Every time I finished an article, it was like winning the lottery —Emeka Izeze, ex-Guardian MD

How did your media journey start?

I was not A journalist by accident. I was A journalist by choice. I read A plot When I was young And THE only job I thought I was shaped has TO DO When I was young was journalism. That was THE only job I could say had THE kind of promise that A was ready has fill, SO I doesn't get In he accidentally, I obtained In he with My eyes wide open. Journalism East not always THE most popular job For people has TO DO. I remember A uncle of mine; When I said him that journalism East What I research has TO DO, that I research has go has THE university And study And practical journalism, he request Me A question. He said: "Are You ready has go has prison?" I said "if he come has that I would be be ready but I doubt if he would be Never get has that." That was Me talk right Since THE heart, And THE head of course. If he came has that, I was ready but I had A feeling that he would be not get has THE indicate of going has prison. THE man said 'GOOD if It is your choice SO, It is your choice.' For Me, he was A dream. I had he as A suction And When I said I read widely, I read widely. I don't do it know how THE younger people are TO DO these days, I don't do it even see how You can be A journalist without while reading. I begin by while reading novels And all kinds of fiction. In do, I read virtually each book James Hadley Hunting published. When I obtained fatigue of crime authors And fiction, I begin while reading biographies, books on law, books on policy, books on government And THE more I read, THE more I accomplished that This thing East THE kind of things I research has TO DO. I research has to write, I research has influence people. I research has help people has articulate their opinions. A lot people to have Also a lot scattered dreams And they Never Really are able has put he In to focus. Today, they as This tomorrow they as another. But THE journalist concentrates on THE GOOD In THE Company And You put he out there And THE people own he as if he was their own review.

I Really cherish that When A journalist research has say THE history of life in general, THE history of life, THE history of people WHO are governing – And that doesn't mean that THE history will always be GOOD, he can be bad, they TO DO that. I research has be able has say those stories And I was going has be able has say those stories, I to have has read THE stories others had said. SO, THE First of all thing that prepared Me For journalism was while reading. I read widely. My bedroom In My from father House has shelf all round THE wall, THE only part without A shelf was THE door. Even THE window had shelf covering part of he And all of them had books. I appreciated reading.

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SO, journalism provided Me with THE kind of opportunity that I necessary has to have has express THE sort of things that people were able has express both In books And In other genres of communication.

Or did You to start Sir, has he always has been THE Tutor?

No, THE Guardian came later. When I LEFT school, I obtained A job In A little weekly newspaper called Sunday Chart. He was A very GOOD newspaper Also. I spent close has two years there Before I LEFT has join THE Guardian. That was THE only other place that I exercised journalism Before THE Guardian. However, as A student I was in writing articles. I begin TO DO regular articles SO In THE Nigerian Observer In Benign. HAS that time as A student, I was Also be published In THE New Nigerian In Kaduna. He was THE even with THE Punch In Lagos Also. When New Nigerian together up their Sunday publication, Since Day A, I maintained A column. I did not have even become A journalist but because I had has been in writing, they gave Me A column on African And international business. SO, I wrote on stranger problems each Sunday In Sunday New Nigerian until I LEFT has to focus on A career somewhere else. SO, My real, First of all time, complete time job as A journalist was has THE Sunday Graphics.

Before SO, as A student In THE university, I was TO DO news analysis. Every time I went has The Benin, I was TO DO new analysis For Radio Bendel. Every time I was In Lagos, I was in writing news analysis For Radio Nigeria network service. Sometimes I could to write up has three articles In A week. They were diffusion he And Radio Nigeria was paid Me. That help because I was A student And I was manufacturing money. I would be go has class, come back And they would be hear My name on radio because they would be read My name during THE network news. Back SO, has THE END of each network news, they would be read news analysis And My colleagues would be hear My name And would be be completely too impressed. "How did You manage has get has be in writing news analysis For Radio Nigeria?" Of course Radio Nigeria was THE radio station then.

What was THE First of all writing experience as ...

Every time I finished an article, it was like winning the lottery —Emeka Izeze, ex-Guardian MD

How did your media journey start?

I was not A journalist by accident. I was A journalist by choice. I read A plot When I was young And THE only job I thought I was shaped has TO DO When I was young was journalism. That was THE only job I could say had THE kind of promise that A was ready has fill, SO I doesn't get In he accidentally, I obtained In he with My eyes wide open. Journalism East not always THE most popular job For people has TO DO. I remember A uncle of mine; When I said him that journalism East What I research has TO DO, that I research has go has THE university And study And practical journalism, he request Me A question. He said: "Are You ready has go has prison?" I said "if he come has that I would be be ready but I doubt if he would be Never get has that." That was Me talk right Since THE heart, And THE head of course. If he came has that, I was ready but I had A feeling that he would be not get has THE indicate of going has prison. THE man said 'GOOD if It is your choice SO, It is your choice.' For Me, he was A dream. I had he as A suction And When I said I read widely, I read widely. I don't do it know how THE younger people are TO DO these days, I don't do it even see how You can be A journalist without while reading. I begin by while reading novels And all kinds of fiction. In do, I read virtually each book James Hadley Hunting published. When I obtained fatigue of crime authors And fiction, I begin while reading biographies, books on law, books on policy, books on government And THE more I read, THE more I accomplished that This thing East THE kind of things I research has TO DO. I research has to write, I research has influence people. I research has help people has articulate their opinions. A lot people to have Also a lot scattered dreams And they Never Really are able has put he In to focus. Today, they as This tomorrow they as another. But THE journalist concentrates on THE GOOD In THE Company And You put he out there And THE people own he as if he was their own review.

I Really cherish that When A journalist research has say THE history of life in general, THE history of life, THE history of people WHO are governing – And that doesn't mean that THE history will always be GOOD, he can be bad, they TO DO that. I research has be able has say those stories And I was going has be able has say those stories, I to have has read THE stories others had said. SO, THE First of all thing that prepared Me For journalism was while reading. I read widely. My bedroom In My from father House has shelf all round THE wall, THE only part without A shelf was THE door. Even THE window had shelf covering part of he And all of them had books. I appreciated reading.

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SO, journalism provided Me with THE kind of opportunity that I necessary has to have has express THE sort of things that people were able has express both In books And In other genres of communication.

Or did You to start Sir, has he always has been THE Tutor?

No, THE Guardian came later. When I LEFT school, I obtained A job In A little weekly newspaper called Sunday Chart. He was A very GOOD newspaper Also. I spent close has two years there Before I LEFT has join THE Guardian. That was THE only other place that I exercised journalism Before THE Guardian. However, as A student I was in writing articles. I begin TO DO regular articles SO In THE Nigerian Observer In Benign. HAS that time as A student, I was Also be published In THE New Nigerian In Kaduna. He was THE even with THE Punch In Lagos Also. When New Nigerian together up their Sunday publication, Since Day A, I maintained A column. I did not have even become A journalist but because I had has been in writing, they gave Me A column on African And international business. SO, I wrote on stranger problems each Sunday In Sunday New Nigerian until I LEFT has to focus on A career somewhere else. SO, My real, First of all time, complete time job as A journalist was has THE Sunday Graphics.

Before SO, as A student In THE university, I was TO DO news analysis. Every time I went has The Benin, I was TO DO new analysis For Radio Bendel. Every time I was In Lagos, I was in writing news analysis For Radio Nigeria network service. Sometimes I could to write up has three articles In A week. They were diffusion he And Radio Nigeria was paid Me. That help because I was A student And I was manufacturing money. I would be go has class, come back And they would be hear My name on radio because they would be read My name during THE network news. Back SO, has THE END of each network news, they would be read news analysis And My colleagues would be hear My name And would be be completely too impressed. "How did You manage has get has be in writing news analysis For Radio Nigeria?" Of course Radio Nigeria was THE radio station then.

What was THE First of all writing experience as ...

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