Hackaday Podcast Episode 276: A Mac on a Pico, ropes on the test bench, a battleship on blocks

THE week disappeared by was rich with amusing hacks, And Eliot And Dan teamed up up This time around has run them down For everyone. THE to focus This week seemed has orient yourself has old material, Since THE recently RELAUNCH Traveler 1 has A 1940s car radio, A homebrew instrument Since 1979, A paper adhesive tape drive, And A 128k Mac emulator built Since A RP2040.

More recent hacks include A 3D printed bottle labeler, A very hackable clever ring, And course learned about programming robots. We Also took A look has turning old cell Telephone(s) In Linux machines, manufacturing Of course escalation Ropes don't do it to leave You down, And spying on orbital junk with A cool new satellite.

We envelope things up with A discussion of just how weird OUR solar system East, And Dan get Really jealous about To M Nardi recent journey has see THE battleship New Jersey Since A up close And staff point of view.

Worried about attract THE Black Helicopters? Download THE DRM-free MP3 And listen offline, just In case.

News: What is this that Her? Galaga: Well done has [Dr. Jon] For guessing he RIGHT.  With exclamation points. Don't do it get caught playing has work Interesting Tips of THE Week: Fast Tips: at Elliot's Choice Dan's Choice :

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 276: A Mac on a Pico, ropes on the test bench, a battleship on blocks

THE week disappeared by was rich with amusing hacks, And Eliot And Dan teamed up up This time around has run them down For everyone. THE to focus This week seemed has orient yourself has old material, Since THE recently RELAUNCH Traveler 1 has A 1940s car radio, A homebrew instrument Since 1979, A paper adhesive tape drive, And A 128k Mac emulator built Since A RP2040.

More recent hacks include A 3D printed bottle labeler, A very hackable clever ring, And course learned about programming robots. We Also took A look has turning old cell Telephone(s) In Linux machines, manufacturing Of course escalation Ropes don't do it to leave You down, And spying on orbital junk with A cool new satellite.

We envelope things up with A discussion of just how weird OUR solar system East, And Dan get Really jealous about To M Nardi recent journey has see THE battleship New Jersey Since A up close And staff point of view.

Worried about attract THE Black Helicopters? Download THE DRM-free MP3 And listen offline, just In case.

News: What is this that Her? Galaga: Well done has [Dr. Jon] For guessing he RIGHT.  With exclamation points. Don't do it get caught playing has work Interesting Tips of THE Week: Fast Tips: at Elliot's Choice Dan's Choice :

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