The many positive sides of Tinubu's 7 months in office

THE deletion of fuel grant And THE move has merge stranger exchange rates, two big title reforms introduced by THE Tinubu administration Since late Can, sets off problems such as high fuel prices And THE depreciation of THE Naira, two monstrosities which combined has cause A general point In costs of services And goods.

Today, a lot Nigerians complain of A increase In THE cost of life. According to has THE last NBS report, Nigeria inflation, which pink has 26.7 by hundred In September, Again pink has 28.2 by hundred In November Since 27.33 by hundred In October. Food Inflation remains savage, rising Since 31.52 by hundred In October has 32.84 by hundred In November 2023.

HAS compound THE economic problems, little multinational companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Procter & Bet to have announcement their exit Since OUR country, complain about THE difficult Operating environment And THE rarity of dollar.

THE truth East that THE new Strategies alone are not uniquely responsible For THE economic problems We are focused towards Today. We were destined For THE difficult And rough patch, Or We are Today because of THE prevailing terms Before Tinubu took on on 29 May.

As has June 2023, budget deficit was N10.8 trillion. Real Debt service was 98.95 by hundred of income, far upper that THE projected 59.37 by hundred. Influx In THE country stranger reserve came In nets. And SO bad was THE State of business that Nigeria could not to put back about $800 million funds of stranger Airlines companies. J.P. Morgan exposed OUR close insolvency by affirming In A report that OUR net stranger reserve was just about $3.7 billion, not THE $33 billion more poster by Emefiele CBN.

President Tinubu, WHO promised during THE campaign has take hard And difficult the decisions, moved has tackle THE economic problems Since Day A, by First of all distribution with THE wasteful fuel grant that was Invoice has consume about N7billion This year, five times more that What was provisioned For capital expenses.

President Tinubu East enough aware of THE side effects of her move has reset OUR economy. However her administration has won applause Since THE World Bank, THE IMF And rating agencies such as Moody's And Fitch, he East not door far by THE praise. He East concentrate on turning THE economy round For growth, development And prosperity.

THE moves are transferor a few GOOD effects. In the middle of What a few sections of THE media perceive as general darkness, a few money linings are emerging, signage that with A little more patience, OUR material terms will improve And inflation will be tamed. For businesses, Operating terms will Also improve.

In It is third quarter report For THE year, THE NBS reported that GDP grown up by 2.54 by hundred. In A similar period In 2022, GDP checked in A growth of 2.25 by hundred. HAS demonstrate that THE sun can be bright on We Again, THE 2.54 by hundred GDP growth checked in In T3, was Also upper that THE 2.51 by hundred checked in In Q2.

THE service sector, do up of information And communication, financial And insurance, was responsible For THE growth witnessed In Q3. He had A 3.99 by hundred growth, contributing 52.7 by hundred of THE AGGREGATE GDP. THE agriculture sector decreases Since 1.34 by hundred growth In T2 has 1.3 percent In Q3.

Growth was Also checked in In construction And real domain, metal ores (69.76%), coal mining (58.03%), chemical And pharmaceutical some products (6.77%), Cement (4.2%) And construction (3.89%). Oil reported A negative growth of 0.85 by hundred, A major improvement has THE negative 22.67 by hundred checked in has THE even period last year. He was -1:43 p.m. In T2 of 2022.

THE improvement In THE oil sector And It is contribution has GDP has has been assigned has THE improvement In THE security of oil Infrastructure And the operations, leading has increase production. On the way Before In This T4 And 2024, THE NNPC Limit East confident that THE sector will continue has climb THE curve.

In THE even T3, according to has NBS, THE Industrial sector grown up by 0.46 by hundred, A slight increase compared with with T3 2022, When he had A negative 8 by hundred growth, even In THE time of P&G And GSK go out.

A interesting revelation In THE NBS T3 report was THE big leap In THE volume of trade, Since N12.16 thousand billion In T2 has N18.8 trillion. Trade volume In THE even period In 2022 was N12.28 trillion. We Also checked in A trade surplus of 1.89 trillion Naira In T3, A increase Since THE N708.8 billion In T2 2023. In T3 In 2022, We checked in trade deficit of N409.39 billion.

Value of exports In THE third quarter was N10.35 a thousand billion, far upper by 60.78 by hundred that THE N6.44 thousand billion job In T2 2023. Raw oil dominated THE export, accounting For 82.5 by hundred, A confirmation that OUR country East pumping out more oil For export contrary to THE previous years.

Just as OUR exports increase, imports Also increase, rising Since N5.73 thousand billion In T2 2023 has N8.46 thousand billion In T3, A increase of 60.8 by hundred. THE imports checked in In THE...

The many positive sides of Tinubu's 7 months in office

THE deletion of fuel grant And THE move has merge stranger exchange rates, two big title reforms introduced by THE Tinubu administration Since late Can, sets off problems such as high fuel prices And THE depreciation of THE Naira, two monstrosities which combined has cause A general point In costs of services And goods.

Today, a lot Nigerians complain of A increase In THE cost of life. According to has THE last NBS report, Nigeria inflation, which pink has 26.7 by hundred In September, Again pink has 28.2 by hundred In November Since 27.33 by hundred In October. Food Inflation remains savage, rising Since 31.52 by hundred In October has 32.84 by hundred In November 2023.

HAS compound THE economic problems, little multinational companies such as GlaxoSmithKline, Procter & Bet to have announcement their exit Since OUR country, complain about THE difficult Operating environment And THE rarity of dollar.

THE truth East that THE new Strategies alone are not uniquely responsible For THE economic problems We are focused towards Today. We were destined For THE difficult And rough patch, Or We are Today because of THE prevailing terms Before Tinubu took on on 29 May.

As has June 2023, budget deficit was N10.8 trillion. Real Debt service was 98.95 by hundred of income, far upper that THE projected 59.37 by hundred. Influx In THE country stranger reserve came In nets. And SO bad was THE State of business that Nigeria could not to put back about $800 million funds of stranger Airlines companies. J.P. Morgan exposed OUR close insolvency by affirming In A report that OUR net stranger reserve was just about $3.7 billion, not THE $33 billion more poster by Emefiele CBN.

President Tinubu, WHO promised during THE campaign has take hard And difficult the decisions, moved has tackle THE economic problems Since Day A, by First of all distribution with THE wasteful fuel grant that was Invoice has consume about N7billion This year, five times more that What was provisioned For capital expenses.

President Tinubu East enough aware of THE side effects of her move has reset OUR economy. However her administration has won applause Since THE World Bank, THE IMF And rating agencies such as Moody's And Fitch, he East not door far by THE praise. He East concentrate on turning THE economy round For growth, development And prosperity.

THE moves are transferor a few GOOD effects. In the middle of What a few sections of THE media perceive as general darkness, a few money linings are emerging, signage that with A little more patience, OUR material terms will improve And inflation will be tamed. For businesses, Operating terms will Also improve.

In It is third quarter report For THE year, THE NBS reported that GDP grown up by 2.54 by hundred. In A similar period In 2022, GDP checked in A growth of 2.25 by hundred. HAS demonstrate that THE sun can be bright on We Again, THE 2.54 by hundred GDP growth checked in In T3, was Also upper that THE 2.51 by hundred checked in In Q2.

THE service sector, do up of information And communication, financial And insurance, was responsible For THE growth witnessed In Q3. He had A 3.99 by hundred growth, contributing 52.7 by hundred of THE AGGREGATE GDP. THE agriculture sector decreases Since 1.34 by hundred growth In T2 has 1.3 percent In Q3.

Growth was Also checked in In construction And real domain, metal ores (69.76%), coal mining (58.03%), chemical And pharmaceutical some products (6.77%), Cement (4.2%) And construction (3.89%). Oil reported A negative growth of 0.85 by hundred, A major improvement has THE negative 22.67 by hundred checked in has THE even period last year. He was -1:43 p.m. In T2 of 2022.

THE improvement In THE oil sector And It is contribution has GDP has has been assigned has THE improvement In THE security of oil Infrastructure And the operations, leading has increase production. On the way Before In This T4 And 2024, THE NNPC Limit East confident that THE sector will continue has climb THE curve.

In THE even T3, according to has NBS, THE Industrial sector grown up by 0.46 by hundred, A slight increase compared with with T3 2022, When he had A negative 8 by hundred growth, even In THE time of P&G And GSK go out.

A interesting revelation In THE NBS T3 report was THE big leap In THE volume of trade, Since N12.16 thousand billion In T2 has N18.8 trillion. Trade volume In THE even period In 2022 was N12.28 trillion. We Also checked in A trade surplus of 1.89 trillion Naira In T3, A increase Since THE N708.8 billion In T2 2023. In T3 In 2022, We checked in trade deficit of N409.39 billion.

Value of exports In THE third quarter was N10.35 a thousand billion, far upper by 60.78 by hundred that THE N6.44 thousand billion job In T2 2023. Raw oil dominated THE export, accounting For 82.5 by hundred, A confirmation that OUR country East pumping out more oil For export contrary to THE previous years.

Just as OUR exports increase, imports Also increase, rising Since N5.73 thousand billion In T2 2023 has N8.46 thousand billion In T3, A increase of 60.8 by hundred. THE imports checked in In THE...

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