12 Valentine's Day Date Ideas for Couples on a Budget

Escape rooms have been popular for several years and are great fun, but at over $30 per person they are quite expensive. Corey and I have found that we love escape rooms in a box. You can find them at most stores that sell board games, and they range from beginner to expert level. Intermediates tend to be our favorites. They give us a little challenge, but not so much of a challenge that our brains hurt at the end. Many escape rooms recommend more than two participants, so this can be a good solution for a double date. Invite another couple over and set up a date for Valentine's Day together.

11. Train together

Exercise may not come to many's minds when thinking of date ideas, but it can be a lot of fun. Many recreation centers and YMCAs offer day passes. Find one near you and schedule a workout you can do together, play one-on-one on the basketball court, or book a racquetball court for an hour or two. You may even be able to find one with a swimming pool and/or a sauna to end your evening with a relaxing swim or a short session in a hammam.

12. Do some intentional life planning

Before Valentine's Day, individually think about some life goals and write them down. Then, on Valentine's Day, discuss your thoughts and discuss ways to help each other achieve those goals. You may have spiritual goals, such as studying a certain Bible book or memorizing a specific passage. You might want to make saving for a family vacation a priority. Or maybe you want to work to run your first 10K. Ideas may vary, but the key is to find ways to work together and encourage each other.

Looking at the big picture, it doesn't matter how romantic we do on Valentine's Day or even if we do anything on Valentine's Day. What matters is that we are proactive in our marital relationship. Every time we eat a meal together, go dancing together, read the Bible together, or watch Monday night football together, we are building our relationship. The important thing is to be intentional about your time with your spouse, no matter what that intentional time looks like.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes

12 Valentine's Day Date Ideas for Couples on a Budget

Escape rooms have been popular for several years and are great fun, but at over $30 per person they are quite expensive. Corey and I have found that we love escape rooms in a box. You can find them at most stores that sell board games, and they range from beginner to expert level. Intermediates tend to be our favorites. They give us a little challenge, but not so much of a challenge that our brains hurt at the end. Many escape rooms recommend more than two participants, so this can be a good solution for a double date. Invite another couple over and set up a date for Valentine's Day together.

11. Train together

Exercise may not come to many's minds when thinking of date ideas, but it can be a lot of fun. Many recreation centers and YMCAs offer day passes. Find one near you and schedule a workout you can do together, play one-on-one on the basketball court, or book a racquetball court for an hour or two. You may even be able to find one with a swimming pool and/or a sauna to end your evening with a relaxing swim or a short session in a hammam.

12. Do some intentional life planning

Before Valentine's Day, individually think about some life goals and write them down. Then, on Valentine's Day, discuss your thoughts and discuss ways to help each other achieve those goals. You may have spiritual goals, such as studying a certain Bible book or memorizing a specific passage. You might want to make saving for a family vacation a priority. Or maybe you want to work to run your first 10K. Ideas may vary, but the key is to find ways to work together and encourage each other.

Looking at the big picture, it doesn't matter how romantic we do on Valentine's Day or even if we do anything on Valentine's Day. What matters is that we are proactive in our marital relationship. Every time we eat a meal together, go dancing together, read the Bible together, or watch Monday night football together, we are building our relationship. The important thing is to be intentional about your time with your spouse, no matter what that intentional time looks like.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes

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