Making Love Last: Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage

sex tipsLast week, We famous OUR 25 marriage birthday And he seemed appropriate has talk about What We have learned about manufacturing love last.

When We obtained together, We doesn't to want has recreate OUR previous weddings has other people that finished In divorce SO We knew We had has TO DO a few things differently.

OUR to focus became learning how has communicate with love And to treat ourselves And OUR beloved with respect And kindness.

But here is What We Really learned on THE years…

A of THE manners has manufacturing love last East has know that You don't do it to focus on manufacturing love last…

You to focus on This here moment And showing up as love as a lot of THE time as possible And as big of A example as love as possible.

When You TO DO, THE sustainable love part takes care of himself.

If You to want love has last, be amazing, beautiful, And wonderful…

To focus on what is this GOOD And What You love, as And appreciate about that other person instead of What You find objectionable, upsetting Or What you would have as has change.

Of course, on THE around twenty years We have has been together, there to have has been things We research has change about THE other person.

(It is normal And marry be layer if We said that Nothing had come up that Really irritated We about THE other person.)

But here is What We have learned…

Appreciate THE differences between THE two of You instead of to focus on trying has change them.

Take something as simple And little as of Otto love For going has court sales.

Susie doesn't as look through people thing they to want has get rid of And East In service of get rid of "thing" instead of accumulate more.

SO going " garage sale " is not it What She I appreciate it!

While It is tempting For Susie has TO DO Otto fake because her views are different – ​​and Otto has TO DO Susie fake because She has A different perspectives…

We have come around has not TO DO that because We accomplished that contempt can to grow Since even THE the smallest issue of manufacturing THE other person false.

And contempt ends love And relationships.

We came has A magnet agreement about what is this brought House Since court sales – and he took listen has each other without manufacturing THE other fake And enjoying different outlook on life.

->Free Video given You Magic Words has say he RIGHT each hour–>

This East A tiny example of What were talk about…

Allowing love has keep growth instead of erode far on little resentments that can become overwhelming And kill love on time.

SO a lot people TO DO THE error of thought that THE aim East has TO DO love last…

HAS TO DO he last A lifetime with A particular person instead of stay In THE here moment.

In THE here moment East Or THE possibilities are For Deeper love For yourself, For your special partner And For others You come In contact with.

It is Or you go find sustainable love.

To want has to have A private conversation about create sustainable love In A current relationship Or future A? Contact We here…

Making Love Last: Lessons Learned from 25 Years of Marriage

sex tipsLast week, We famous OUR 25 marriage birthday And he seemed appropriate has talk about What We have learned about manufacturing love last.

When We obtained together, We doesn't to want has recreate OUR previous weddings has other people that finished In divorce SO We knew We had has TO DO a few things differently.

OUR to focus became learning how has communicate with love And to treat ourselves And OUR beloved with respect And kindness.

But here is What We Really learned on THE years…

A of THE manners has manufacturing love last East has know that You don't do it to focus on manufacturing love last…

You to focus on This here moment And showing up as love as a lot of THE time as possible And as big of A example as love as possible.

When You TO DO, THE sustainable love part takes care of himself.

If You to want love has last, be amazing, beautiful, And wonderful…

To focus on what is this GOOD And What You love, as And appreciate about that other person instead of What You find objectionable, upsetting Or What you would have as has change.

Of course, on THE around twenty years We have has been together, there to have has been things We research has change about THE other person.

(It is normal And marry be layer if We said that Nothing had come up that Really irritated We about THE other person.)

But here is What We have learned…

Appreciate THE differences between THE two of You instead of to focus on trying has change them.

Take something as simple And little as of Otto love For going has court sales.

Susie doesn't as look through people thing they to want has get rid of And East In service of get rid of "thing" instead of accumulate more.

SO going " garage sale " is not it What She I appreciate it!

While It is tempting For Susie has TO DO Otto fake because her views are different – ​​and Otto has TO DO Susie fake because She has A different perspectives…

We have come around has not TO DO that because We accomplished that contempt can to grow Since even THE the smallest issue of manufacturing THE other person false.

And contempt ends love And relationships.

We came has A magnet agreement about what is this brought House Since court sales – and he took listen has each other without manufacturing THE other fake And enjoying different outlook on life.

->Free Video given You Magic Words has say he RIGHT each hour–>

This East A tiny example of What were talk about…

Allowing love has keep growth instead of erode far on little resentments that can become overwhelming And kill love on time.

SO a lot people TO DO THE error of thought that THE aim East has TO DO love last…

HAS TO DO he last A lifetime with A particular person instead of stay In THE here moment.

In THE here moment East Or THE possibilities are For Deeper love For yourself, For your special partner And For others You come In contact with.

It is Or you go find sustainable love.

To want has to have A private conversation about create sustainable love In A current relationship Or future A? Contact We here…

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