Rishi Sunak is “registered with a private GP practice promising same day appointments”

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Rishi Sunak is registered with a private medical practice that guarantees same-day appointments for all patients with urgent issues, according to reports.

The prime minister this week declined to say if he had private health care because he thought it was “not appropriate” to talk about “his family's health care”.


But The Guardian reports he is registered with a West London clinic which charges £250 for a half hour consultation and offers evening appointments and weekends.

The clinic also allows patients to request home visits from doctors at a cost of between £400 and £500, while prescriptions cost up to £80, according to the newspaper.

The latest figures from NHS England show that a shrinking minority of patients using the public provider are getting same-day appointments. In September, only 41.5% of appointments with the general practitioner took place on the same day, including 8% the next day.

The same-day figure was the lowest this year and down nearly 2% from the same month last year.

Last week the Mr Sunak's government recommitted to a pledge from Therese Coffey, Liz Truss' health secretary, that no patient would wait longer than two weeks to see a GP.

The government also promised that anyone needing an urgent appointment could get one the same day.

Mr. Sunak has repeatedly dodged questions about his use of private health care. Earlier this month he was asked at Prime Minister's Questions whether he would use an NHS GP or A&E service if he or a family member fell ill.

He did not say if he had used private services, only thanking "the fantastic team at Friarage Hospital in Northallerton who have provided excellent care to my family over the years ".

The Independenthas asked Downing Street to comment on reports that the Prime Minister is registered with a private GP.

Respondent to the report, palliative care doctor and author, Dr Rachel Clarke, said: "So Rishi Sunak (family fortune of £730m) uses a private GP practice in London... No wonder he is happy to wreck the NHS with real funding cuts."

Sunak speaks at the annual conference of the CBI Monday

Rishi Sunak is “registered with a private GP practice promising same day appointments”
IndyEatSign up for Inside Politics email for your briefing free daily on the biggest stories in British politicsGet our free Inside Politics emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to be notified by email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}An error has occurred. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

Rishi Sunak is registered with a private medical practice that guarantees same-day appointments for all patients with urgent issues, according to reports.

The prime minister this week declined to say if he had private health care because he thought it was “not appropriate” to talk about “his family's health care”.


But The Guardian reports he is registered with a West London clinic which charges £250 for a half hour consultation and offers evening appointments and weekends.

The clinic also allows patients to request home visits from doctors at a cost of between £400 and £500, while prescriptions cost up to £80, according to the newspaper.

The latest figures from NHS England show that a shrinking minority of patients using the public provider are getting same-day appointments. In September, only 41.5% of appointments with the general practitioner took place on the same day, including 8% the next day.

The same-day figure was the lowest this year and down nearly 2% from the same month last year.

Last week the Mr Sunak's government recommitted to a pledge from Therese Coffey, Liz Truss' health secretary, that no patient would wait longer than two weeks to see a GP.

The government also promised that anyone needing an urgent appointment could get one the same day.

Mr. Sunak has repeatedly dodged questions about his use of private health care. Earlier this month he was asked at Prime Minister's Questions whether he would use an NHS GP or A&E service if he or a family member fell ill.

He did not say if he had used private services, only thanking "the fantastic team at Friarage Hospital in Northallerton who have provided excellent care to my family over the years ".

The Independenthas asked Downing Street to comment on reports that the Prime Minister is registered with a private GP.

Respondent to the report, palliative care doctor and author, Dr Rachel Clarke, said: "So Rishi Sunak (family fortune of £730m) uses a private GP practice in London... No wonder he is happy to wreck the NHS with real funding cuts."

Sunak speaks at the annual conference of the CBI Monday

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