When you give too much in love and in life...

"I'm really fed up," says Jenny.

"I give and I give and I give and I never get anything back! Why do people always seem to take advantage of me just because I'm a nice person and really care about others ?"

It's not the first time Jenny has felt this.

Not only does she feel like her boss at work is taking advantage of her, but she also feels like her husband, children, and even some family members do the same.

She's not sure what she's going to do, but one thing she's sure of...

She has finished giving without receiving anything in return.

Can you relate to this on any level?

Have you ever given more than you received and felt it later?

This is what is happening with Jenny and it is also what is happening for many other people.

They are not clear on their limits and they allow people to take advantage of them…

When all they're really trying to do is be a good person and hold themselves up as an example of love to the world.

At times like these, if you're like Jenny and you feel like you're giving too much without getting much in return, what should you do?

Here are some questions to help you if you are giving too much and want to quit…

1. Do you know clearly what a "yes" is and what a "no" is for you?

Most of us go through life on autopilot and when it becomes a habit to say "yes" no matter what, it can become a problem.

You can go from autopilot to mindful presence and decision-making by learning to listen to the cues in your body that tell you if it's a 'yes' or a 'no'.

When you give yourself space to do this instead of automatically saying "yes", you can make a conscious choice.

2. What is the obvious reason why you say "yes" when you would like to say "no" in certain situations? Could you give to get?

We all have hidden motivations for doing something in certain situations and with certain people.

Maybe we want their love and approval.

Perhaps our self-esteem is tied to being useful or essential to certain people or in certain situations.

While there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with being helpful and helpful...

What you don't want is the resentment that comes later after you don't feel you're getting what you deserve after giving.

When you examine your motivations, you can tell if you subconsciously want something in return.

When your motivations are clear to you, the choice becomes clear whether you want to continue with the habit or not.

3. What don't you want to ask that you really want?

Often when you feel like you're giving too much, you just don't want to ask for what you want in some area of ​​your life.

And that frustration can spill over into your relationships.

There can be all kinds of reasons why you feel like you can't ask for what you want and the end result is fear…

-Fear of not deserving it-Fear that the person will think less of you if you ask them-Fear of not getting it anyway, so why ask

When you realize that making honest and sincere requests is a healthy way to get through life for yourself and for others…

You can start making these requests and giving honest responses to the requests of others.

Giving too much is a habit you can break.

If you want help making the changes you want to make, contact us here…

When you give too much in love and in life...

"I'm really fed up," says Jenny.

"I give and I give and I give and I never get anything back! Why do people always seem to take advantage of me just because I'm a nice person and really care about others ?"

It's not the first time Jenny has felt this.

Not only does she feel like her boss at work is taking advantage of her, but she also feels like her husband, children, and even some family members do the same.

She's not sure what she's going to do, but one thing she's sure of...

She has finished giving without receiving anything in return.

Can you relate to this on any level?

Have you ever given more than you received and felt it later?

This is what is happening with Jenny and it is also what is happening for many other people.

They are not clear on their limits and they allow people to take advantage of them…

When all they're really trying to do is be a good person and hold themselves up as an example of love to the world.

At times like these, if you're like Jenny and you feel like you're giving too much without getting much in return, what should you do?

Here are some questions to help you if you are giving too much and want to quit…

1. Do you know clearly what a "yes" is and what a "no" is for you?

Most of us go through life on autopilot and when it becomes a habit to say "yes" no matter what, it can become a problem.

You can go from autopilot to mindful presence and decision-making by learning to listen to the cues in your body that tell you if it's a 'yes' or a 'no'.

When you give yourself space to do this instead of automatically saying "yes", you can make a conscious choice.

2. What is the obvious reason why you say "yes" when you would like to say "no" in certain situations? Could you give to get?

We all have hidden motivations for doing something in certain situations and with certain people.

Maybe we want their love and approval.

Perhaps our self-esteem is tied to being useful or essential to certain people or in certain situations.

While there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with being helpful and helpful...

What you don't want is the resentment that comes later after you don't feel you're getting what you deserve after giving.

When you examine your motivations, you can tell if you subconsciously want something in return.

When your motivations are clear to you, the choice becomes clear whether you want to continue with the habit or not.

3. What don't you want to ask that you really want?

Often when you feel like you're giving too much, you just don't want to ask for what you want in some area of ​​your life.

And that frustration can spill over into your relationships.

There can be all kinds of reasons why you feel like you can't ask for what you want and the end result is fear…

-Fear of not deserving it-Fear that the person will think less of you if you ask them-Fear of not getting it anyway, so why ask

When you realize that making honest and sincere requests is a healthy way to get through life for yourself and for others…

You can start making these requests and giving honest responses to the requests of others.

Giving too much is a habit you can break.

If you want help making the changes you want to make, contact us here…

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